Thursday, May 8, 2008

Welcome! Welcome!

Welcome folks to the Pirate Review Register ! This blog is an in depth review and commentary on the Pirates of Archery. Kick back with a cold beer, remember to leave the toilet seat up, and enjoy the fun!

My Name is Theodore and my sidekick’s name is Gassy! Say “hi” Gassy!

Gassy: Phfffft, sorry! Hi everybuddy!

Theo: So Gassy, what’s up with these pirates today anyway?

Gassy: Well it looks like they are run'n a number of bashing threads on several folks Theo. Man they are really laying the wood to ol' Papa Bull and Esquire!! The Owner, Admins and moderators are all throw'n into the effurt.

Theo: What? Didn’t Kevin Cummings just post on the LW that the owners and Admins discourage such behavior??

Gassy: Yeah, isn’t that a hoot? KCummings is up to his nick in this bunch!

Theo: Wow, Kevin must be just a little embarrassed by the events of the last few days, ya think? It speaks right to his credability! I mean the pirates have always liked to distort the truth, but isn’t what Kevin claimed a total disregard for the truth??

Gassy: Seems that way to me Theo, and I guess the hole world knows it now!

Theo: Hey I see Hank thinks of his friends as warm piss in his pants! He says quote: "thank you for being the piss in my pants". Says he likes the warmth, LOL!

Gassy: Yea, and all his buddies are lining up to run down his leg and puddle at his feet, LOL!

Theo; That’s nasty!

Gassy: Seems they like it that way!

Theo: What gives though? I thought I saw Sixby saying how great the content is on the pirate site? Isn’t he a Christian? I think Black Wolf is a Christian too. How do you suppose they balance faith and filth like that?

Gassy: Well apparently it’s A-OK with them, go fig'r! It doesn’t seem very Christian to me to badmouth folks publicly where they can’t talk back, or to be so vulgar. That’s just me tho.

Theo: As long as you pretend not to see it, I guess all is well..........

Theo: I wonder how many would line up to be the brownie in ole Hanks bum, LOL?

Gassy: LMAO! Don't you know that's coming next, LOL! That Hank is an odd one ain't he?

Theo: Are you kidding?? Ol Hank is a luminary!

Gassy: What the heck is that??

Theo: Oh man it's too late to go into that now, I'll tell ya later!