Friday, May 16, 2008



Theo: GASSY! What the hell are you yelling about!!!!!


Theo: Settle down Gassy! Settle down! It's OK!

Gassy: What happins ifn they get aholt of us!???

Theo: Well I imagine a little fella like you would be passed around like a cheap jug of rum!


Theo: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!! LMAO!!!! I'm only kidding! Look, the pirates are just like us! They believe deeply in the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. They believe that you have the absolute right to say anything about anybody for any reason. See, that's why they boarded the ship in the first place. They have all been persecuted for speaking their mind, and telling the truth, and freely sharing ideas. That's why they have broken free of the oppression of Tradgang, and Tradtalk, and Leatherwall.

Gassy: That's why they scooted clear of that evil Terry Green, an Vermonster, and dat low down rotten Esquire rite??

Theo: That's right Gassy! See, they didn't want any of those guys telling them they couldn't cuss or badmouth folks or tell lies because that is a first amendment right as they see it! They were standing proud for the constitution!

Gassy: Yea, but that was all a them rasin a knot on other folks, ya spose they'll be Ok with folks rasin a knot on thar hed.

Theo: Well sure Gassy, see first amendment rights aren't JUST for pirates, they are for everybody! They understand that. Besides, after all this time of badmouthing other folks, it would be downright hypocritical for them to mind it at all. These are real MEN here on the ship, not a bunch of weenies with insecurities and phobias. These are confident and robust men of the sea! They'll just wave and sail on by!

Gassy: Well OK, I jus don't wanna ruin my shot at bein a real pirate some day when I've lernt all the pirate ways an sech.

Theo: Trust me Gassy, It will be fine! We are here for the loooong haul, LOL!