Monday, June 23, 2008

Just another day on the ship

Theo: Well Gassy it's good to be back home, but we sure had a good time at Comptons didn't we??

Gassy: Yessir we shore did!! LOL It was right nice meetin that Leegee feller and even Fearl hisself!

Theo: Yea, it was kind of fun flying under the radar, right under their nose, LMAO!!

Gassy: I'm confused about da pirates sayin dat da Tradtech booth was smokin busy tho, LOL!! Ever time we walked by it were a ghost town, LOL!

Theo: Well, except for the pirates that's about right, LOL. If Lee was that busy he must have had a stack of porn behind the counter that we didn't know about! ha ha ha ha ha !

Gassy: Ha ha ha ha ha !!

Theo: Well, let's see what else we can find here Gassy, things are pretty slow!

Gassy: I seen dat Hank went to a benefit secund hand sale and lowballed the sellers on a meat grinder! LOL!! Man is dat boy cheap! LMAO!!

Theo: Yea, he's a real patron of the arts ain't he????LOL!!! He goes to a benefit sale and spends a whole $3, LOL!!

Gassy: I wunder ifn he asked fer a free "I support the Arts" hat?? LOL!!

Theo: LOL!! Yea, they probably had to validate his parking too, LOL!! Next year they'll have to set up far enough away that Hank won't pay the gas to get there!

Theo: I see poor Ol Wildman lost his shirt on a Fireflop riser! Geez, he nearly had to beg the pirates to buy it back!!

Gassy: Hard ta figger with all the pirates sayin what a smokin riser dat is! Heck you'da thank Ol Cutty wood snatch it up! He buys a couple bows a month but even he didn't want it! LOL!! I spose Hank wooda took it if'n it got down aroun 3 er 4 dollers, LOL!

Theo: Yea, Geez, $430 riser and $600 limbs, basically brand new and MAYBE he got $675 for it with shipping included! I can't remember when Bill has taken a shellacing like that!

Gassy: Yep, it's tough ta see, but I spose Wildman will stick ta stuff that holds it's value better fer now on!

Theo, Yea, like maybe a PSE Coyote, LOL!!

Theo: Well so it goes on the good ship Gassy! Time ta cut the sails and settle in!

Gassy: Yessir! Gonna be a perty sunset ta nite! LOL!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Round and Round

Gassy: Well, seems dat da pirates is in ta thar fall back thang of talkin in circles Theo, LOL

Theo: Yep, pretty standard pirate defense, LOL Call us liars and then start talking in circles, LMAO!! Ya notice the badmouthing is just a general slap at us Gassy?? The reason they aren't actually taking us to task on anything specific is because they know it's all true.

Gassy: Yep, bein on the lyin end of da argument is a tough spot alrite. What's ritchus funny is when them boys call us liars when the proof a what we jus said is on thar site! ROTFLMAO!!

Theo: No kidding Gassy! LMAO! That's why we can just let a post here soak for a while now. They finish the job themselves, LOL!!

Gassy: I shore do get a laugh at sum a da stuff they conjer up, he he he !! Like OL Fearl telling folks we is jus tryin ta scare folks offin dat site. LMAO!!

Theo: Yea Gassy, it's actually nice having all the criminals from all over the web on one prison barge. The folks that sign in voluntary give us a real good handle on what they're made of too, LMAO!! Feral is just making another weak attempt to steer folks off track. No matter though. They can play all the childish games they want, like the phony forums. The botttom line is, they have to watch their tail now, and they know it.

Gassy, Yep, reminds a sum a them boys back at Pitzer we used ta run with, LOL!! I wunder what ever became a sum a them boys??

Theo: Hard to say Gassy, I often wonder myself LOL! Say did you ever check out the Long Rang Rifle forum I told you about??

Gassy: Yep, I shore did! Nice place ain't it! Its nice ta git offn them archery sites fer a while too, LOL

Theo: It sure is Gassy!! LOL!! Say did you see where Cutty was wishing RobK a happy birthday?? LOL! That was real nice a Cutty.

Gassy: Well ya know Cutty was the feller who brought Rob on board, LOL Them is gooood friends I spose. He says its his boys birthday too! Ya know dat Cutty never says nothin about his oldest, you notice dat??

Theo: It does seem a bit odd, but who knows?? There are so many mysteries, LOL.

Gassy: Thar shore are!! LMAO!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Culture of Lying

Gassy: Ya no Theo, it seems like the pirates has lost sense a which direcshun is up! LOL. Now dat they is out flamin us they is jus pruven how messed up they is! LOL!!

Theo: To be a pirate Gassy, you must be able to suspend any sense of reason, logic, and truth. To most people, the concept of truth is an anchoring principle against which suppositions are measured. To a pirate, the concept of truth is a free form element that can be molded and shaped to fit any side of any argument.

Gassy: ya, dat makes sense !! what??? LOL!!

Theo: Take Cutty for instance, or Hank for that matter. In the DC they are trying to make the case that what we are doing is somehow unfair. Hank wants us to leave them alone! LMAO!!! Neither of these guys would ever even consider leaving people alone. In fact it is precisely because the pirates continue their campaigns that T&G were formed.

Gassy: Yep, Dats da only reason we is here! Cause them boys an uthers won't leave folks alone! Hank wants us ta leave so he an his buddys kin go back to slanderin, stawkin, lyin an badmouthin! LOL!!

Theo: Yep in fact, it was a comment by Cutty that finally broke the camels back and made this blog neccessary. There is one huge difference between us and them Gassy that really has them flumaxed. While they trade in lies and slight of hand, we have told the truth. In fact, everything we have said is documented. If we couldn't document it, it either had to be presented as conjecture or not presented at all. That's why all they can do is call us names and use every manor of deflection.

Gassy: Yep, like sayin we posted Ol stykshooter's letter, rite??

Theo: Yea that's one example Gassy. We never posted it because we never had it. We also didn't quote anything from it because we never had it. All we did was report that it was sent, and what it's purpose was.

Gassy: Yea, they twisted that thar all up in a knot! But why??

Theo: Gassy, they are so used to telling lies among themselves, and having the most ridiculous tall tales accepted, that they have lost sight of how preposterous they look to a sane outsider! LMAO!! First they created an offense that we never commited, and then they railed against it! That's because they needed to deflect attention from the real issue, which is the fact that RobK is using the pirates to continue his private war against DAS.

Gassy: It's a bit tough fer them pirates ta operate like this here I spose cause they cant delete stuff, er change a fellers posts, er ban us!

Theo: That's right! If folks look closely at what we say and then closely at the pirates spin, they will see it every time! If the pirates had any sense of reality, they would understand how it looks.

Gassy: Ye, well I has noticed that almost nobody but da hardcores is postin on them flamin threds. Ya spose folks is rethankin thangs??

Theo: Could be Gassy. People are not so quick now to pile in and support that crap. Perhaps they are beginning to realize what is going on. They are reluctant to stamp their name on it. The point is, the core pirates have done many rotten things, and sold many lies. We've got a lot of better things to do than hassle a handful of idiots on some website for no reason. Any fool would realize that, LOL!

Gassy: I spose folks will see a good bit more deflecshun and diverjen as time goes on eh??

Theo: Yes they will, LOL. I especially liked RobKs little pep talk and of course the usual suspects coming along behind with kudos and accolades, LOL! Sorry, no sale though, ha ha ha. No, if Randy, or Rob either one were truly standup guys they would admit what they've done, and if Paarcher or Kcummings were stand up guys they would ask for it. It's just that simple. They keep piling the lipstick and jewelry on this pig rather than just admitting what it is.

Gassy: LOL!! Yep, Did you see where Rob says da pirates have "principals", LOL!!

Theo: Yea, I wonder if he meant "principles", LOL!! Understandable I guess. He apparently doesn't know what it means, so it's no surprise he got confused about the spelling. LOL!

Gassy: Ye, but it's time ta move on aint it Theo? We gots a lots a ground ta cover. I was a bit taken back by KCummings sayin he knew the whole truth tho!

Theo: Yes we do need to move ahead Gassy, LOL!! I was pretty shocked by Kevins statement too! I always thought better of him honestly, but if he knew everything from the beginning..........., that casts a whole new light on his role.

Gassy: hard to figger, that one! Ifn he says he knew, then I spose he did!! Not sumpthin I'd be braggin about tho, LOL!!

Theo: No, me either Gassy, LOL!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Second thoughts

Gassy: Theo, eh......., I been thankin bout sumthin dat bothers me!

Theo: What's wrong Gassy??

Gassy: Well, I hates ta say it Theo, but I'm not sure I wanna be a pirate after all!

Theo: You know Gassy, I've having second thoughts too. We looked up to these guys so much, and wanted to be like them so much! Now I'm just starting to think they are a bunch of baffoons!

Gassy: Theys a bunch a friggin idiots Theo, theys jus no nicer way ta say it! Dat thang ovur stykshooter an all them fellers takin up fer dat, well it's jus idiots proppin up idiots.

Theo: It's so obvious too Gassy! We've got hundreds of faithful readers and I'm ashamed for them to see the pirates making such fools of themselves. You know, I'll bet if a woman got raped and called it in to Stykshooters station, he would arrest her!!

Gassy: Yessir! cause dat rape was a confidential thang ya see! dat Ol boy never intended fer her ta call it in!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, and then Hank and Marc, and NJstykbow would be there to tell the poor fella that got ratted out they were behind him, and that woman had no right to call that rape in. Now that is just wrong what that woman did Gassy!!

Gassy: Yep, it's a pathetic thang, dat pirate site Theo. They is so wrapped up in all them dirty deals an lies dat they cant evun tell how silly they all look!! Ta each other they all look like this:

Theo: Yea, but to the outside world they look like this:

Theo: I think it's all those FEARS and INSECURTIES setting in on them Gassy! Have you noticed how bitter and vile Hank has been. He must not be getting any from Madam SeaQueen since all that went public. Then there is NJstykbow, Geeezz! You know I think that fella is actually pretty intelligent, but when he comes out and tries to cover for something he knows is corrupt, he comes across as looking absurd. He's not a natural born liar like some, but obviously forced to it.

Gassy: Yea, all them pirates has been a mite strained since thar dirty secrets are posted here fer da whole wurld ta read. Hank has go ta bed ever night knowin that folks kin see all about his conjerin an sech

Theo: Yea, ya know some guy posted a link to Hanks site on the POA a long time ago and Hank went ballistic! That post was pulled and the guy was banned instantly. Typical Pirate tolerance you know.

Gassy: Yea, I no! well dats Ok cause we can still have fun here with these boys, rite Theo?? We has ta do sumpthin with all dat research we has done! LOL!!

Theo: That's right Gassy! Actually we are just getting started here We have stuff folks will really want to stick around and see! We've hinted at several things, and yep they're still coming. We also have a pirate history and timeline coming that will explain many questions! Things like who the founders were and why, when and why certian key players arrived, when and why Lancaster joined the pirates, all kinds of good stuff!

Gassy: Dats rite Theo, we have sum really good stuff ta share! I'm a bit worried about causin more FEARS and INSECURITIES in dem pirates tho Theo! LOL!

Theo: I'm afraid that's unaviodable Gassy. They can console each other and make believe they are fine, but the rest of the world is laughing at them, LOL

Gassy: Yessir!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pants on Fire!

Theo: Can you believe it Gassy??? Stykshooter is back for another beating! LOL !!Sheeessh!! He's telling so many lies to cover the ones he already told that he's digging a hole he will never get out of! LOL!!

Gassy: Ye, good grief!! Well I spose we'll jus hafta go through all dat agin fer them pirates. Sum folks jus dont no when ta tap out! LOL!! Maybe sum history would help folks Theo!

Theo: Good idea Gassy! You know this letter writing began back around the first of the year when the pirates were once again after DAS about those silly limbs.

Gassy: Yessir! Anythang to try and deflame Ol DAS, jus like always!

Theo: Yes, but this time it wasn't just the old favorites like Cutty and Hank, but the Lancaster boys too!! In fact, take a look at the thread in the Dead Chicken called "DAS limbs with a twist II" started by our good buddy Randy Stykshooter, LMAO!! here's his openning post:

by Stykshooter on Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:29 pm
There has been a lot of speculation lately as to the current manufacturer of DAS limbs. I understand that the limbs are being manufactured by CyBow, which is a relatively new company that was started up about a year ago by a Korean gentleman by the name of Mr. Guang. See Mr. Guang and Eugene Lee are former employees of W & W who are now in business for themselves manufacturing limbs that are copies of some of the older Win & Win designs. Cybow is not a commonly recognized name in ILF limb manufacturing as none of the target archery dealers/distributors in the USA are offering them to customers. I have not seen a set of the limbs other than on-line so cannot comment on the quality or pricing.

Gassy: Dats a bunch a infermation rite thar!! Wunder where he got all dat??

Theo: Let's see Gassy, how would a guy like Randy get information about a company with zero US presence??? LMAO!!! And better yet, Why would that source be involved in a DAS bashing thread??

Gassy: OK, I'm stumped!

Theo: Well Gassy, it turns out that just hours before Stykshooter posted that information, RobK was calling around to Dave Sozas suppliers fishing for anything he could find out! Apparently the name Cybow came up.

Gassy: Why wood he be doin dat?? He aint got no biznuss in Sozas biznuss duz he??

Theo : No Gassy, he doesn't, but that hasn't stopped any of this has it?? LOL!! No business has any business snooping around for confidential information and then using a website full of hoodlums to leverage anything they can find. It just seems to keep on and on though, LOL!

Gassy: So Ol stykshooter was wurkin with RobK on this here projek??

Theo: Well, I'll let you add it all up yourself Gassy, you're no fool, LOL!! That was around the time the letter was written to 3 Rivers too, so now folks have a little
background to understand it all better. You know, Cutty has said a few things that could only come from one source too, LMAO!!!

Gassy: Funny how thangs add up when ya have all da pieces, LOL!! Ifn ya want a good laff, also take a gander da other "DAS limbs with a twist" thread just below the first one! Dat's what happens to a feller who tries to tell the pirates ta knock it off, LOL!! Better hurry tho afor Ol Fearl figgers it's too embare assin and pulls it out, LOL!! Dat ol Boy was banned too!!, LOL!! Oh well!!

Theo: Good tip Gassy! So now to deal with latest installment, LOL, Man this is a alot to shovel out, LOL! First off Randy says he was accused of being in charge of engineering a letter writing campaign.

Gassy: Can I have a nickel fer ever lie I spot!!! ????? LOL!!! Dats numer 1 rite thar! he he he !! We jus said he was part of a letter ritin campaign, dats all!! LOL

Theo: OK Gassy, but man this is going to wipe out my beer money! LOL Yea, see that's how it works Gassy. A little stretch here, a liitle stretch there, pretty soon the whole story is out of shape. OK, Where were we??, Then he writes this: Here is the letter I wrote to Dale supposedly to “damage his business”.

Gassy: thar's anuther nickel!!! I got a dime now!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, that quote was fabricated. We said he was trying to damage Das's business, not Dales. Then he goes into the letter he sent Dale! First he starts off telling Dale what a good loyal customer he is, LOL, but somehow misses the fact that he rides with the Lancaster posey, is a longtime personal friend of RobK, and has joined in every DAS bashing thread he can find! ROTFLMAO!!!

Gassy : Duz dat count as one lie er a whole bunch???? how many nickels I got now??

Theo: I think we'll count that as one Gassy! I can't afford any more than that! LOL. See, that sort of thing is not a lie outright, it is just manipulating the truth. I'm sure that Randy sees that all day long as a police officer, and I'm sure he knows it when he sees it, LOL. So first he pumps Dale up that he is a loyal and valuable customer (not, LOL), then he tells Dale that he has 3 ILF risers and is interested in limbs, LOL!!

Gassy: dats anuther one!!! Gimme da nickel!!! LMAO!! I like this game!!! he he he !!!

Theo: OK, here you go....., LOL. Yea, who does he think he is kidding Gassy, LMAO!! He has no interest in buying DAS limbs from Dale, LOL. That's just another lie to try and manuever Dale into telling him ANYTHING he could carry back to the pirates for more bashing fuel, LOL!! God, these goons are so obvious that I almost feel guilty picking on them!, LOL.

Gassy: Ok, what next????? LOL!!

Theo: Ok, well then he says: I follow the forums and know that the question has been posed to your company time and time again requesting which limbs you are currently using on your bows.

Gassy: I sees it!!! dats a lie!!! Gimme a nickel!!! LMAO!!!

Theo: Yes Gassy, the only people making a stink about any of it are the pirates and specifically, the DAS bashers and Lancaster pirate crew. To imply that the question is all over the forums was a deliberate misrepresentation of the truth.

Gassy: Lord!! was thar any bit a truth in dat letter??

Theo: well Gassy, I wish I were giving you a nickel for every truth instead!! LOL

Theo: Then the last part of his little ploy is to make 3R paranoid that this issue is tainting their whole business, LOL. the hope is to drive a wedge between 3r and DAS:

Your company’s position to refuse to identify which limbs you are shipping with a Dalaa, even through private e-mail, impresses me as a deceptive and potentially damaging business practice. Like 3 Rivers has something to hide. I know the question has been posed to you several times on the internet forums and via e-mail and for some reason you refuse to provide potential consumers with information that they may need in making a choice to purchase a large ticket item from your company. As I said earlier, this is deceptive to me and my concern is that your deception and disdain for consumer’s concerns carries over to other areas of your business.

Gassy: thar's anuther one! He aint no potential customer, LOL!! He's a definite troll!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, but here is a really interesting question! If Stykshooter is so convinced that a company HAS to devulge all their sources or "my concern is that your deception and disdain for consumer’s concerns carries over to other areas of your business.", Then why doesn't he insist that RobK tell everyone where his Titan risers come from??? LMAO!!

Gassy: Dat seems like deception and disdain rite thar!!! LOL!!! Dat's a real mistery rite thar, aint it Theo!! Dat was a good game Theo, I got rich!!! I can buy me a beer!!!LMAO!!!

Theo: Say, don't you owe ME a beer??? LOL! It is a huge mystery Gassy. He says those risers are made in the US, and Leegee said they come from "Florida", but why?? See, most folks don't know this but Rob owns a machine shop! Here's a link:

With all that machinary at his fingertips, why would Rob farm out the manufacture of his risers to someplace in Florida, if in fact they are from Florida?????

Gassy: Ya spose they really aren't from florida?? but maybe a bit FARther EAST?? LOL!!

Theo: Don't know Gassy, but I'm sure the fine investigative team on the Pirate site will get right on it and have an answer for us very shortly!!! LOL

Gassy: Hey!! thars anuther lie! Gimme a nickel!!LOL!!

Theo: OK, you got me! LOL!! You're right, the pirates are there to attack DAS and others, not Tradtech of course! LOL!! Now, let's head down to the pool hall so you buy me that beer you owe me with all those liars nickels! LMAO!!!

Gassy: Damn!!! LOL!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Making progress!

Theo: Well Gassy, I feel great! It seems like we have made good progress in slowing down the Dead Chicken, LOL!

Gassy: Yessir! Them boys has been keepin thar head down low, aint they??

Theo: Yep, they sure have! LMAO!! Most of the worst stuff has been deleted from Chicken, LOL!! Ya gotta love that because all the time they are talking about other people being hypocrites, they are running around covering up what they have done! LOL!

Gassy: Yep!!,, Looks like RobK has exited stage left too!!

Theo: Yea, Gassy, he's keeping clear, and you know what? The pirates went back to the old Dead Chicken and removed every one of RobKs posts!! LMAO!! It's hilarious because you can still see posts were people are talking to him, but all his stuff is gone! ha ha ha ha

Gassy: Dat happins when ya send a fool to do a mans wurk, LOL!! Why on earth would RobK want all his posts gone???

Theo: Same reason that the pirates have deleted all those posts on both the new and the old DC Gassy! But no, these guys aren't hypocrits!! LOL!! I see Sixby is now a moderator and he's calling folks hypocrits too.

Gassy: Sad about dat feller ya no. Like all da rest he's thar fer a reasun, LOL. Nobody else slathers him with butter like da pirates. Even Ol Hank who can't stand christians is slatherin on the butter to make better use a Ol Sixby.

Theo: Yea, none of those guys think much of christians, but they'll lie to Sixby to keep him there. He serves a valuable purpose! LOL. It works fine for Sixby too because its the only site that lets him hock his wares for free. For all the buttering though, I wonder how many he has sold?? That's the true measure, LOL If Cutty is so overwhelmed, I'll bet he has 2 or 3 by now! LOL, Unless of course it is just gratuitous BS he is handing out. Oh well..... LOL

Gassy: Speakin a hypocrits an sech, I see theys have a new forum now just fer a few boys called da dead chikin society. I thought the pirates was all about open talk?? LOL!!

Theo: Yes, well, you see Gassy, with T&G here they can't operate in the open anymore, LOL. They also can't let their members find out what they have been doing and why. They have to operate like cockroaches now which is perfect! A few of the old guard roaches like PaArcher,and Grenoble, are still churning out manure for the newcomers to consume, but a lot of guys that know better and still have some shred of integrity to preserve are staying way back now.

Gassy: Yep, guys like KCummings an Gino is way back now fer shore.

Theo: You can see the changes Gassy. CSTs comments, and the comments of others are a clear sign that except for hardcores and seniles, people there know what the problems are. Feral hasn't deleted so many threads for no reason. Robks posts didn't dissapear for no reason. It's really comical actually!! All these roaches running around screaming ROACHES!! ROACHES!!

Gassy: Yessir, them boys is perviding a million laughs fer the folks reading along! We jus keep hearin from folks dat luv the good laughs!!

Theo: Yea, the pirates have become laughing stocks Gassy, sure enough!! Guys like Sixby just add to the comedy. I do feel a bit sorry for them though. They've been lied to, and they don't realize just how pathetic they look, LOL!! Poor Ol Levyrat, is havin a hard time with it. Sooner or later people will demand to know why the pirates are shunned and why so many of them have been banned from so many sites, but for now they will just have to wallow.

Gassy: Yessir it's gonna get a mite muddy in dat wallow too, LOL!! Sooner er later them boys will realize that the stories they is hearing about why the pirates is hated jus don't make sense. Folks jus don't get that upset about nuthin, and only a fool wood keep on believin it, LOL!! Maybe Ifn Fearl put back all a them threads he pulled down like the 20 pages of Esquire bashing on one, then folks wood understand!?? LOL!!

Theo: Ya think??? LOL!! Guys like Esquire and Pinelander are just soooooo hateful for reminding folks of the truth, LOL!! and of course Grenoble comes back out to say how much he HATES all that hatefulness!! HE HATES IT!!, HE HATES IT!!! ha ha ha ha ha !!!!

Gassy: Ye, it's a big cumfert ta no dat thar aint no hypocrits amung da pirates, LMAO!!

Theo: That's right Gassy!! They can stand proud (although they had to delete a bunch of threads that LOOKED bad). They have great sponsors like RobK (although his buddy stykshooter got caught red handed doing something underhanded, and Robs posts have been sanitized from the site). They allow everyone their say( although the two guys that questioned RobKs posts on limb connections were banned instantly). They are the only open site (although most of the members, even many moderators, are blocked from the new DC society fourm)

Need we go on???? LMAO, but of course, WE are the hypocrits, LOL!! Esquire and Pinelander are the hypocrits,LOL!! Could you imagine what Jay Leno would do with this pirate material??

Gassy: We outta send it out ta Ol Jay!!! LOL!! Well, at least our group can enjoy the comedy show!!

Theo: That's right Gassy! We should open a Pirate Comedy tour, LOL!! Seriously though, all that matters is that the pirates are shut down. Cutty has gone underground where nobody can hear him scream. We've cut the lies way back because they can't pull that with us here keeping them mostly honest. RobK is under a rock with jus his eyes peeking out. Many of the second string players have been exposed. It's all Good!!

Gassy: yep, but ya no, Friday da 13th is coming!!! Ya spose Hank will hold a special service tumarra and tell folks thar fate fer friday??

Theo: I hope so Gassy!! Especially for Cutty!!, LOL His luck isn't running so good! LMAO! Hopefully they have a spare black robe for Sixby since he is now a member of inner sphynctum!!!

Gassy: HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Gassy: So Theo, we has tawked a little about sum a the stuff them pirates has been involved with, But WHY?? I mean the worse thang they kin accuse folks of is banning them so why the never ending attaks??

Theo: It does make you wonder doesn't it??? What would make a person devote their life to doing the things that, say, Spinetta does??? I mean you would think that someone must have seriously wronged him or something wouldn't you??

Gassy: I cant figger it at all Theo! Ya spose its jus jellus fits??

Theo: Well Gassy, if you look at guys like Feral, Cutty, and Hank, what do you see??? On the surface, you see guys that try their best to look respectable and important, but underneath I think these are guys with serious self image problems!

Gassy: ya mean dat little wee wee thang???

Theo: Exactly Gassy! Take Hank for instance. He TELLS people he is a carpenter. Why??

Gassy: Cause it sounds so good, right?? LOl!!

Theo: Well I think he feels that anyway. I mean why doesn't he just tell people that he runs a numerology website, is deeply entrenched in that, and also works as a handyman for a strip club???

Gassy: Ok , yep, I see dat now!! LOL!!

Theo: Get my drift Gassy??? Same thing with Pete, ya know. Here's a guy whose Dad is a State Supreme Court Judge with a courthouse named after him. His Mom is a retired College Dean, and very well educated. His sister is an assistant DA in Tennesee I think, and what is Pete????? He talks about things like his ball playing days, but guess what that turned out to be: Check out 1989, LOL!

So Pete's resume looks a little like this:

Little League standout ( nice work Pete! )
Guest ranch host ( his parents ranch, apparently was fired, sorry Pete )
Media researcher (one rung above coffee girl)
Internet archery hoodlum (not smart enough to avoid banning, eventually squelched by RobK)

Gassy: Yessir, I sees dat pattern alrite!!

Theo: See, the REAL issue with these guys has nothing to do with archery per se. The issue is in their own head! LOL!! It's more along the lines of The Source:


Gassy: HOLY COW!!! Man dat is funny rite thar!! HA HA HA HA HA !!! Ya spose dat Source is Cutty??

Theo: By any other name, LMAO!!!! See, guys like Cutty are mad at the world just like CST said in our last post! They are failures or at least see themselves that way, and they are very very bitter people!!! Then they happen onto a successful website, pick any one, doesn't matter. They want badly to be top dog and on the internet they figure they can fudge the truth just enough, and fake it just enough to get there! That's why Cutty downloaded the whole Tradtalk website and visits everyday! he can use that information to to prop up his image on the boards!

Gassy: Yessir, dat shore duz fit them 3 anyways!! LOL!!!

Theo: That's Right!, BUT here is where the problem comes in! People think they are OK but nothing special. For most healthy folks that is fine because they don't have all their ego eggs in this one basket, but for guys like Cutty and Hank, and Feral, it is an insult they can't bear! They begin to pick at people out of bitterness or act out to get attention like a little kid, and then they get dressed down for it. Hank started picking at the Christians, Pete got a raspberry for what he called the "Golden Era Archers" (meaning the older more experienced and respected ones), and Feral and Topcamp cussed and dealt in obscenities. Once rebuked, they become enraged and start the attack sequence that eventually gets them banned. It's not the banning that is the issue though. Normal people would just shrug it off, but for these guys it is another reminder of failure in their life! They see it as the "elitist" website owners rubbing their nose in all the failures that combine to define their lives!

Gassy: Dat was what CST wuz tawkin about aint it???

Theo: Yes Gassy!! CST understands it! That is why they can spend literally years fuming and plotting and attacking!! It is sad really, but they are sick!

Gassy: Dat makes sense Theo, but what about attackin folks like OL Adcock, er Black Widow, er Papa Bull, er Denny Surgis, er Dave Soza??

Theo: Same story, different chapter Gassy. See, they look at guys like this who worked hard their whole lives, and actually EARNED the respect that THEY so desparately want, and they see that as one more cruel unfair blow to their ego. That's why they attack guys OL who have never done a single thing to them. Just the very existence of people like that is a another reminder of their inadequacy and failure, so they must destroy them. After all, guys like Pete anyway grew up with every possible advantage in life, and STILL amounted to nothing in a family of extreme achievers. Of course he can't very well attack his own family, but these filthy internet reminders are easy targets!

Gassy: Sob..... Sniff!!... Snuffle!. Dats a sad story dare Theo! I is all teered up ovur all dat!!

Theo: It is sad Gassy, really, because none of these guys need to do this. Many have talents, Feral can hold his liquor exceptionally well, and some are even intelligent like Pete, but they are like a good dog gone rabid Gassy. Now all you can do is take a club to them!


Theo: Im sorry Gassy, It'll be Ok little fella!

Gassy: SNIIIIFFFFF, SOB!!!! Dat makes me thank a dat Ol Yeller dog!!! SNIFFF!!!

Theo: Come on Gassy, Let's go get a beer and shoot a game of pool! We can keep clubbing rabid Pirates later!

Gassy: Alrite!! Snifff!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Quote of the day!

Warning: The following post contains extreme language. Unfortunately, when quoting pirates, vulgarity is unavoidable.

Gassy: Say Theo, heres a quote from CST on the chikin dat you gotta see!

"Look, I'll reiterate what others have said, one more time for possible penetration. Nothing and nobody is off limits. Say whatever the you want. Expect that if you spout a bunch of bullshit you are gonna get called on it. Realize that we are here for ARCHERY. That is the purpose of this site. Feral made the DC so Longbowbilly could call Black Wolf a stupic cocksucker. Or so you Registered Lurker could tell Feral to go fuck himself. NOT so a bunch of dipshits that never fully developed and are unhappy with the direction their lives have taken could come here and stir the pot. That is as clear as I know how to make it."

Theo: WHOOAAAAA!!! Get that boys email and get him on the T&G staff!! LOL!! Unfortunately though, he is wrong! LOL Feral DID IN FACT create the pirate site so that " a bunch of dipshits that never fully developed and are unhappy with the direction their lives have taken could come here and stir the pot.", LOL!! That is why his site is full of them! Initially, the site was just used to lob turds at Tradtalk and DAS but they have branched out nicely to include many others! LMAO

Gassy: Ye, I know Theo!! LOL!! But dat CST feller has a good point!! LOL!!

Theo: Yes he does Gassy, and he obviously sees the problem with crytal clarity. I think he knows who the dipshits are too!! LMAO!!! Despite the initial purpose for the POA and despite the best efforts of some like Spinetta, the POA could be more than that! LOL

Gassy: yea, but you an I both know Spinetta will never sit fer dat! LOL!!

Theo: No Gassy he won't, sadly. He would sooner see his "friend" Feral humiliated and even financially damaged than back off, but why not?? He has zero to loose himself, LOL. That's what makes him the ultimate pirate. Others like Mr RioZen, Grenoble, Oscar, etc just lack intellect, but Cutty knows exactly what he's doing.

Gassy: Sheewww! I always thought havin friends was GOOD thang!! Yea, the uthers might stand down fer Fearl, but not Cutty, LOL!! He's my man!! LOL

Theo: Well thanks for sharing that Gassy! It's good to see a few pirates catching on and speaking up, but guys like CST will find they have some serious obstacles with some people and Feral is just too spineless to do his job.

Gassy: Yea, well in udder news, dem pirates are trying all they can ta throw us off the scent ain't they Theo?? Like dat Mayhem forum, LOL

Theo: Yea, our boy was able to get in today and that is just a decoy Gassy, LOL! Anything to distract folks from real events. Nice to see that RobK is copied on the memos too so he knows exactly what is going on, LOL.

Gassy: Yessir, it's good ta be in da know!! LOL!! Seems like Ol Hornseeker cant understand why folks wood be mad at da whole site fer the actions a da leaders.

Theo: Well Gassy, the leaders define the site to a large degree. and unfortunately, guys like Ernie and Sixby are being used to hide behind and provide cover. Ernies not a bad guy, but you can't expect to wallow with pigs and not get muddy. Ernie does know where the problem lies too.

Gassy: Yessir!! an heck, ifn they thank its all fine then no worries!! Ifn it ain't fine, then speak up and stop it or go to a site that don't have no problams. POA is the only site dat has this problam.

Theo: Well said Gassy! LOL!

That's Just Wrong :)

Gassy: I sees them pirates have a thred called "Dude that's just wrong"! LOL! folks need ta see dat!

Theo: Yes they do Gassy! LMAO what was that Feral was saying about grasping at straws??LOL!!

Gassy: he he he he he !!!!! I cant stop laffin Theo!! ha ha ha ha ha !!! I just luv it when the pirates put on thar Pope hat and wave for da crowd!!!

Theo: I know Gassy!!! LOL!! It's a hoot!! Let's see, 4Nolz, Paarcher, Craig/fl, rwsbow, and WOW! even Cutty were deeply moved by a picture of a boy, LMAO!!! Folks should do a search under those names in the Chicken and see just how thoughtful and reverant that bunch is!! LOL!!

Gassy: Ye, even with all da threads Fearl has cleaned up ta keep down dat em-bare-ass-ment down, da tru nature a dem boys is well dockumented, LMAO!!

Theo: It's great to start the day laughing Gassy!! Of course all those boys see nothing wrong at all with the repungnant and personal posts Cutty put up about Papa Bull. Of course the idiot justifies it by claiming Papa is the blog, but Papa doesn't own the blog and he doesn't write it, but hey, what's a few lies among pirates?? LMAO!!

Gassy: Nossir!! ROTFLMAO!! All dem ritechus boys thinks dat is jus fine!! Dat Cutty wood choke on da truth ifn he ever stumbled on it!! LOL!!

Theo: You know Gassy, It has gotten so pathetic that we hardly have to point it out! they are so delusional that they actually believe people will swallow that, but of course they aren't LOL!!

Gassy: Yea, they really fooled dat James Wrenn feller didn't they??

Theo: Of course James was disgusted by what he sees, just as any right minded person would be. I suppose now he is on the short plank too! He must be an illegitimate poster if he sees through their lies!!! LMAO!! He'll have to go just like dasshooter and gettingstarted for refuting RobK on RL Clarks thead.

Gassy: HA HA HA HA !!! Wooden they crap ifn they knew who them 2 boys were dat they banned??? LMAO!! My eyes is teerin up sa bad I caant see! he he he he !!

an den, an den Castro says he ain't got da fax, LOL!! He thanks we's delujinal !! LMAO!!

Theo: Gassy my side is hurtin too!! LMAO!! No Jim you didn't get the fax, you've gotten the PMs though! LOL!!! You're on the same mailing list as RobK remember!! LMAO!! If you've lost them just drop us a line cause we have copies we can send you! LMAO!! Keep stirring the stink though!! You're an ace at it!! LOL!!


Theo : Calm down little buddy or you're going to get that pump head that Cutty was talking about!! LOL!!

Theo; Gosh and then RobK's buddy stykshooter is indignant about his letter to 3 Rivers getting out to the public! LMAO!!! So lets see if I have this right Randy?? You write a letter to try and damage a guy that your buddy Rob is "competing with", and then your dirty scheme leaks to the public, and you are indignant about that???

Gassy: Oh MA GAWD!!! HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Yea, well by pirate logic that sure would make Dale and whoever the bloggers are rats now wouldn't it???? ROTFLMAO!!! Well Randy, DAS posted on TT that letters had been written by several pirates and all it took was a little research to turn up some names. Dale won't know what you are talking about, and my guess is he won't care either because he knows exactly what you, RobK and the pirates are doing! LOL!!!

Gassy: CHOKE!!! SPIT!!! GAG!!! HA HA HA HA !! MAN!! an Poor Levyrat!! LOL!! He's cunserned about his reputashun!! GAG!! GAG!! HA HA HA !!

Theo: Yes that is a burden Levyrat, but not one that we put on you! LOL! Every pirate bears it that watches and tries to deny it. The pirate ship is the condition, all we are is the floodlight, LOL!!
Folks, we'll have to cut this short because it appears Gassy is having a seisure from laughing so hard!! It must be that pump head thing that Cutty was talking about!! His head is all swollen up and red!! Oh and Rico, there are hundreds of people reading the blog everyday. Some, like the pirates involved, read it in horror. All the rest are laughing themselves silly watching a bunch of bullies getting what they have coming. Hope that answers your question! LOL Thanks for a wonderful morning!!...Theo

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Now Where??

Folks, It's tough being a pirate these days. Guys like stykshooter are upset that their dirty dealings are made public. The reason the pirates have been able to do what they have done up until now is that respectable people generally don't air all the laundry in public. The pirates of course could care less, and they have also been able to operate undetected to the public because of the descretion and restraint of the people they are after. People need to know though, just what is really going on. That's the only way it will stop.

Update on Pirate secret meetings: A few of the principal players are now using the old pirate board on EZ board to communicate without detection. All the older members will know about that board. So far we have seen Gino, Feral Donkey, and PaArcher. Say hi for us when you visit! They are talking in a restricted forum. Ya gotta wonder what is so secret! LOL!!


Gassy: Theo, thars a been a lotta tawkin about stawkin an sech. What egzackly is stawkin anyhoo??

Theo: Well Gassy, it's when a person or a group of people decide to interject themselves into another persons life, one way or another. It could be personal or it could be business related. There are many possible motives.

Gassy: Ya mean like harrasin a persons bizness partners, or meddling with their customers??

Theo: Yep that could be considered stalking. One thing that defines a stalker is how long they have been at it too. Since stalkers are mentally disturbed, they can continue these activities seemly forever. When more than one person is involved it gets even more complicated.

Gassy: Ya mean like Ol Spinetti sneakin in to da Leatherwall as Saggy to go after Papa Bull, Esquire, DAS an uthers??

Theo: Yep, just like that! LOL!! They say they never do that sort of thing LMAO!! All the pirate elite knew that was Cutty too! LMAO!!! Gino and Feral knew, but Rio and Kodiak were out of the loop ha ha ha ha !! That's why those two ran out to greet "Saggy" when he logged on the Dead Chicken, but Gino, Feral, and Cutty knew it wasn't really Saggy because Saggy is Cutty!! It's a riot!!! Rotflmao!!!

Gassy: HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!! QWALKKKKK, HE HE HE HE HE !!! Well so much fer Gino being all innosent an sech! LMAO!!

Theo: Yea, there are lots of exanples of the pirate site being used to stage such things, and there are all kinds of stalking! LOL!! Here's a good example right here of a guy who was stalked:

Gassy: Say, aint that Spinetti JR's, pappa??

Theo: Yea it sure is. Apparently he had to deal with a stalker and didn't like it much. They seem like real nice folks too. Too bad they had one rotten son!

Gassy: Ya spose da Honorable Mr Spinetti SR knows what da Dishonorable Mr. Spinetti Jr is doing with his internet connekshun an allowance?

Theo: Nah, probably not, but I'll bet he wouldn't be surprised or happy about it. I've always wondered why a jet setter like Pete got shipped off to nowhere Montana, ya know?? Makes a fells wonder, LOL He's no country boy, LOL!! Say!! Have you seen the nice cabins they have up there on that ranch? They have different cabins you can rent like the Cottonwood and the Aspen. You can click on the cabins and see pics of the inside! They have one cabin, way off by itself, called Juniors Cabin and when you click on that, this what you get:

Gassy: AAARRRHHHGGGGG!!! I'M NOT STAYIN IN NO JUNIOR CABIN!! I spose Ol Cuttys folks DO know bout his "problems"!! LMAO!! So why does folks do this stawkin thang?? is they flat nuts??

Theo: It's Ok Gassy! I'm just pulling your leg about the cabin LOL!! Mostly, yea. They are people with obsessive or delusional personalities. In the case of groups of stalkers there may be several motives, but none are good. You know some of the people involved in stalking certain folks are police officers too. That seems just a bit risky to me!

Gassy: Ye, an aint dat Spinetti feller some sort a media maggot??

Theo: Gassy, LOL!! That's Media MAGNET, LOL!! Naw he does some sort of research for media I think. He'd like to be a real journalist or fim writer, but he's pretty inarticulate, so that's not likely to happpen. That's why you can't find the name Peter Spinetta Jr. anywhere on the web in any media related capacity. It's not surprising though! You know what a reasearcher is don't you???

Gassy: Nossir!! I imagine dat is a real mucky muck in da media wurld!!

Theo: Gassy, LOL, a "researcher" is the lowest rung on the ladder!! One step above coffee girl in the media world!!, LMAO!!!

Gassy: Ah Lord I'm sorry about dat!! OH Lord please help Ol Cutty up dat ladder, and send sum TV dinners ta the starvin childs in New Ginny! Amen!!

Theo: Yea Gassy, things get crazy when a group of folks keep tormenting people long enough though! If you insist on pushing yourself into the lives of others you just might get some of them deciding to move into yours!! LOL.

Gassy: Ya mean like them friends a RobK that got together an rote all them letters to 3 Rivers pretendin ta be "cunserned custamers" trying to cause trouble for Ol DAS??, LOL!!

Theo: Yep! It appears that RobK has had his pirates real busy! You know RobK and Cutty are the best of friends, and of course Robs long time buddies like stykshooter are always willing to help out with a letter writing campaign like that, you know, when they aren't on duty and have time, LOL!!

Gassy: LOL! dat is slick rite thar, yessir!! Ol Hank got in on dat too rite???

Theo: Yep, Hank and others, LOL!! that's why I get such a kick out of seeing all those guys play innocent! LMAO!!

Gassy: Ye, theys got a rap sheet a mile long!! LMAO!! I'm a mite confused tho Theo about Ol Cutty an RobK being sech tite friends!??? I mean, here's a quote from Ol Cutty to anuther feller an I'd thank Robk wouldn't like dat much:

"Very shortly, you are going to have to pick between defending David, and attacking Tradtech for ripping David off (which you also will get NO argument from me), and whether or not you want Tradtalk to continue."

Theo: Well Gassy, Sounds like Cutty was just telling him that yes he knows what has happened, but the forces of evil were aligning and that they could either throw Soza under the bus, or the whole Tradtalk website would come under attack, LMAO!! I imagine Cutty was feeling pretty flush with Lancaster on board to help with the "work". See, I'm sure Rob knows he can't trust Pete but my guess is he joined the pirates because they were already attacking DAS and tradtalk so he could dovetail his "activities" into the pirate activities without a hitch. Cutty of course being the genuine honest fellow that he is, undoubtedly told Rob what he really thinks of the whole riser deal, LMAO!!!!! They apparently had work to do though so they could set that aside LOL!!

Gassy: Ya know dat makes good sense Theo!! LOL Dat RobK is a smart biznus man, an we all know how smart Spinetti is! LOL dats a heck of a partnarshep rite thar!! Dat dumb ass Soza better lock his self in da tool shed at night wit them boys on his tale! LMAO!!!

Theo: LMAO!!! Yea he sure better!! Maybe he and Papa Bull can take turns on night watch!! ROTFLMAO!!!

Gassy: LOL!! yea, well I see what ya mean about movin in on folks lives!LMAO!! I'd luv ta move in with Spinetti up thar in all them trees an sech, Or maybe go live with RobK out thar in Lankustar. I'm shore the fellers in the stawkin club will all welcome folks in thar life, diggin up stuff an puttin it on da web, or maybe rightin some nice letters to folks like them stalkers was or all them nice fone calls an sech.

Theo: I'm sure the pirates will like that very much Gassy!! You know, .....stuff like the criminal records we have found, and other public documents. Good Stuff!! The pirates are all about togetherness and personal freedoms you know, so I'm sure they will just see it as wonderful fair play!! LMAO!! I can't wait to try some of Pete's cooking!! LMAO!! I think I'll feed a bit to the dog before I eat though! LMAO!!

Gassy: Yea!! dem records is good reedin!! Popped my eyes wide open!! LMAO!! Ya spose RobK er Spinetti er da uther pirates will mind a litle fart now an then?? Ya know sumtimes I slip a bit! LOL!!

Theo: Of course not Gassy! I think we have seen that they actually prefer that rich odor!, LMAO!!

Gassy: Well OK then!!! LOL Aint it funny how them pirates try to paint us like hate mongers?? LOL!! Ol Grunoble just HATES them hate mongers with a pashun!! LOL!! Even that horn seekin feller playin the hate card!

Theo: Yea, but did you notice what Cutty said about Papa Bull in the thread "thats just wrong" on the pancake forum?? The word "evil" is a pretty strong word, but the actions of some pirates go way beyond "hateful". I wonder where Ernie is, and what he thinks of Cutty's words for Papa Bull?? I don't see 4nolz bringing his finely honed sense of morals to bear either!?? LOL!! Do you suppose that is fine with them? See that's a common trait of pirates. The ability to suspend reality while they forge ahead with their evil doing. They reinforce each others lies and warped perception of reality until reality itself begins to levitate.

Gassy: Has you noticed that they really cant argu much a nuthin we has said?? they just keep attackin personal like?? Ifn what we say is so far off'n base then why not just ignore it. Folks kin figger it out.

Theo: They are upset, because folks WILL figure it out Gassy! LMAO!! Anyway, what else can they say really?? All they can do is try to take shots at the messenger! The message is obvious to anyone who cares to look! Gassy, we've been here working with the pirates, oh what a few weeks? Shoot, that's not hate!! We love these guys! WE want to be JUST LIKE THEM, LOL That's why we are studying SO hard!! I wunder how they will feel a year from now??

Gassy: I'm shor they'll luv us then to Theo, theys sech a luvin bunch! But hows a come when we jus act like them fer a few days theys all bothered'n freeked out!??

Theo: Well Gassy, See, it's a whole lot more fun being the hammer than the nail. When you're the hammer, you just pound away and laugh your butt off,.. BUT when your turn comes to be the nail, well all of a sudden that hammer looks awefully hateful!! All of a sudden that hammer aint fair!! LMAO !!!

Gassy: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha!!!!! He he he he !!!!!

Theo: Nah, We're not hateful at all, in fact we are having the best time ever! Get me another beer Gassy would ya??

Gassy: Yessir!!

Theo: Slurp, slurp,...ahhhh. It's a funny thing about the truth Gassy. The truth can be embarrassing for some folks, liberating for some, and for some folks it can be a whole lot worse. The farther away from it you live, the harder it is to go back.

Gassy: Yessir!! LOL Fer me its a hole lot wurse, bein al flatcharlent'n sech. I caant even hold a job no more!!

Theo: But Gassy, you don't want a job do you???

Gassy: Shut up'n pass the beans! ha ha ha ha ha

Friday, June 6, 2008

More Distraction

Gassy: Has you seen that Fearl an Gino an Castro is sayin that folks is jus jellous of all thar success an sech?? LOL Theys jus dont get it duz they???

Theo: Oh they get it alright Gassy, but admitting the problem is admitting that they are the cause of all this trouble! See, it makes a good sympathetic story to say that they are just being attacked because people are jealous.

Gassy: Jellous a WHAT??? Ha ha ha ha !! Mostly dat whole sitiashun is jus pathetic. LOL

Theo: Exactly Gassy. Nobody cares that Feral has his own site. Knowbody cares that Feral is selling risers to Lancaster. Nobody cares that Hank practices witchcraft or that Topcamp "rides ponies backwards". Nobody cares about the pirates at all! The pirate site is just a dump where the rejects end up. People like Casto who aren't even banned anywhere else like the rest of them, in spite of the way he tries to stir shit on other sites. Course he's just not taken seriously anywhere but the ship - buys and sells bows on a daily basis and can't decide whether he's left or right handed. He's a good example of the voluntary pirates!, LOL

Gassy: Yea, dats sad but pirates is not exakly enveible folks, LOL! No, da problam is when pirates go piratin, LOL!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, and you know, the leaders of the board have been lying to the rest of the pirate members long enough about what that site is REALLY there for. It damn sure isn't archery!! LOL

Gassy: Yea, uther folks hang in cuz most everone loves to see a good gut pile, LOL!! An then uthers has thar own little reasons like showin off'n thar bows an sech or pretendin to be eksperts. Fellers Like Ol Sixby crack me up da way they just go on about thar bizness an pertend they don't see Nuthin!! Ha ha ha ha !! Why, Rite heres a foto of ol Sixby hanging in the bowyers forum!! he he he!!

Theo: Yea, Cutty keeps those guys well buttered because they are his best cover, LMAO!! That picture could be a lot a folks Gassy!! Could be Rob Taylor, or maybe Kirkl, LOL Heck it could even be Alberta Kid!! LOL! "Duhhhh, I don't see nothing" LMAO!!! That's Ok though, I think some folks are beginning to get the idea that there might be something rotten after all, and yep, if they keep pretending they don't see it, then they are one of them. Cutty doesn't rule alone anymore though. Gettingstarted put a very harmless question to RobK of LAS who was coming on like an expert, and he was made to vanish immediately. LOL!! I think the ship has had a co-captain for a while now! LMAO!! By the way, you ever noticed how RobK of LAS gets to post all his contact data for potential customers all the time?

Gassy: Yessir!! mity rotten! LOL ! dat pirate site makes a good base a operashun fer stalkin folks and spredin lies an sech. LOL! I feel a backfire cummin on tho! I luv da way Fearl says he has no sponsers, LMAO!!!

Theo: Yep Feral is going to keep it up and drag a bunch his members into this and Lancaster too. It's too bad really because nobody wanted this to go this far, but Feral had to keep the fight going to keep Cutty happy mostly. Ferals leadership has never had any traction, LOL!!

Gassy: Well, it all wurked out fine as long as Ol Fearl could jus ban anyone who said anythang to point out the trouble. LMAO!!! the jig is up tho!! ha ha ha ha!!

Theo: Yea, I guess there is no way around making everything public, LOL We'll see how many members want to proudly show their patch then!! LMAO

Gassy: I'd luv ta be a fly on da wall when Fearl has ta explain ta Lancaster how letting his people run wild brought a brite lite down on the pirates AN them Lankustar boys!

Theo: Well I see that Feral has told people on his site that they need to stop badmouthing and start making positive contributions!!! LOL!!! Here's a quote from
the Donkey. It was in the thread by Idiot Laureate Mr. Zen "What I believe in my own wurds"

"They're not off limits nor will they ever be. It's just that when we have an anti-anybody-or-anything pep-rally it hurts this site. I got no problem if you want to tell those loser to pound sand up their asses. It is a much more effective weapon against them to use that energy constructivly and making a positive contribution.Every time something goes really good for us on this board, the Princess and his poodles come flaming and trolling. Every damned time like clock-work.See, THAT'S why they're flaming us with troll attacks constantly. They're trying to slow our momentum. They're trying to disrupt the good things we got going on here so we become a board about fighting like them. We will not be brought down to their level. We will not be brought down period. You want to hurt them? You want to hurt them real bad? Make positive contributions to this board. Our sucess is what makes them hurt the most. Then you'll realize that they don't matter. Those guys are meaningless."

Gassy: Ok, now I'm really confuzed!! I sees the lies and deflection thar tryin ta play the same ol story about folks jus jelluss, LOL!! But then waht??? So he's admittin that the trouble they has is caused BY THEM, SO, he wants them to stop doing it and post positive thangs, BUT, he still supports deflamin, an stawkin, an badmouthin????? WTF???? ROTFLMAO!!!

Theo: Sheeesh!!! And he wonders why people think he is a laughing stock!!! It just goes to show that he knows exactly what the problem is. Thing is though, he has surrounded himself with so many hoodlums that now he is afraid of his own board!! LMAO!! Yea, boy feral! The prospect of the pirate ship becoming respectable instead of a prison barge for hoodlums and a training camp for terrorists REALLY has us ticked off!! OOOOOOOWWWWWW are we ever pissed off!! ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

Gassy: Its sad ta see Fearl sink so low dat he thinks people won't see strate thru all dat nonsense. I thank fearl just don't have a cleer view of da wurld no more! LOL

Theo: Actually Gassy, I think his problem is more along these lines! LMAO!!

Gassy: ROTFLMAO!!!! Well at leest he has Gino thar to strong arm the bad'uns fer him!! LMAO!!

Theo: Yea, LOL, I understand Gino has had some training!!! LOL He was in the Navy wasn't he??

Gassy: Well maybe Fearl can hand out sum Tshirts an try ta keep the morel up!!

Theo: Yea Gassy, you can't pretend to be one thing when you are actually something much different!!

Quote from RobK:
"Thank you for the question and the opportunity to clear that up to the great folks on this helpful site!"

Quote from Feral:
"You're fuckin right it does, you greasy little shit-weasel. If you don't like it, tough shit. Go pound sand up your ass. On the internet you can be anyone you want but at the end of the day you're just a little shit-weasel sitting behind a computer monitor, trying to be somebody."


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cutty!! Penny Banks!!

Gassy: CUTTY!!! PENNY BANKS!!!! PENNY BANKS!!!! Sumbody call in Penny Banks an Cutty!!

Theo: Gassy, stop yelling man!! what's the deal???

Gassy: Ovur on dat Archery Tawk site LBR Chad Weaver has put up a post tellin Ol Viper he should have more respek fer folks an was speakin outta tern! Ya ramember when dat DAS feller did da same thang on Tradtalk, Cutty was rite on it an Penny Banks was so proud a Viper fer standin up to dat nasty DAS!!!

Theo: That's right Gassy!! I expect we will be seeing a new thread in the Dead Chicken any minute now from Cutty and a post by Penny Banks telling folks how much respect they have for Viper for standing up to low life like Chad Weaver!! LOL!! After all, Chad is taking Viper to task much worse thaan DAS did. DAS never questioned Viper's credetials, just his attitude!!!

Here are the links so folks can find the stuff:

at AT:

on TT:

The thread on the Dead chicken where Cutty went after Soza is "would you take this abuse?" on page 2 of the dead chicken

Gassy: Yep, I'm shore Cutty and Penny will be right on dat, but what if'n they don't??

Theo: Well, LMAO, that would show just how 2 faced and dishonest both of them are!! LMAO.

Gassy: HA HA HA HA !!!! Yessir!!

Theo: See, these pirates are on a mission to destroy anyone who stands in their way Gassy. If they have been banned or other wise curtailed for their slander campaigns, then the Pirate site is the place for them to stage their attacks. That's why Lancaster is such an enthusiatic supporter too, LMAO!!!

Gassy: But dat Gino feller just said dat the Pirate site is jus a place fer fellers to talk an sech!! here's what dat boy said:

"all we are doing on these sites is talking about our toys............. not saving the world or coming up with a cure for cancer, so how is it so many people can get so pissed off at each other over their play things especially when most have never even met each other?........ i just don't get it."

Theo: LMAO!!! yea, he just doesn't get it ha ha ha ha ha !!!! Well, I thought Gino was a whole lot smarter than that, but I guess he's as dumb as a box of rocks, LOL!!

Theo: No, Gino knows that the real problem is that the Pirate site is used to defame people and stalk people. He also knows that Cutty is the number one ring leader. Here is a quote from Cutty from the Chicken yesterday:

"Man...and here I was thinking the Zen Posse ought to pay a little visit to Papa Bull's little straight razor forum. "

Gassy: So is Cutty an the Zen possy gonna start stalkin Papa Bull?? Does Gino know??

Theo: That is exactly what the pirates are doing Gassy, and it appears there are a good many involved including RobK himself in various operations. There's plenty of time to go into all of that though! LOL Gino and all the rest of the spin meisters know exactly what they doing and are desparate to hide the whole deal behind as much smoke as they can puff up!

Gassy: an what about dat Viper thang???

Theo: The pirate site is also used to generate propaganda Gassy. That's why Cutty jumped on the Viper / DAS thing and tried to spin it bad. That's why Penny got involved too. That's also why they won't be raking Chad over the coals because Chad is a card carrying pirate who has joined in some of their little raids in the past.

Gassy: Good Lord!!!

Gassy: So are yu sayin Fearl an Gino an RobK an a bunch a dem boys know all dat stuff and quietly support it all while try'n ta look normal to da wurld???? ha ha ha ha !!! Man!! dat is brillient!!! Dem boys is so slick an smart!!

Theo: Yes they are Gassy!!! LMAO smooth as butter and sweet as Carnation milk!! Here's a quote from RobK to the pirates last August, but I'm sure it was just some friendly advice, you know, nothing really up!, LOL!!:

"Be very careful out there on the fourms and on here in public view...share only through PM's on Pirates or AT(no PM's on other forums) or in personal e-mails."

Gassy: HA HA HA HA HA !!! Sweet as Carnation milk!!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!!! Yea well a bunch a folks didn't taake dat advice I guess, cuz we shore do have a file fulla stuff Dont we?? He He He He He!!!

Theo: Yes, we sure do, LMAO!!! Since the pirates feel so empowered to interfere in the lives of others, I'm sure they'll understand, if not appreciate us sharing it too. LOL!!

Dead Chicken Censorship!!

There have been some things happen on the ship you should know about! The pirates have gone to email verification for all new members, and it appears that new members may not be able to see the Dead Chicken. The Pirates are trying to control who can post there because the exposure is more than they can take! What exactly are they afraid of??? They say publicly they don't care, but behind the scenes they are scrambling to cover up the facts. People calling them out on their behavior has to be stopped!! Many people have been banned who were just regular members of the site, people who suggested that what they are doing is wrong. It appears Registered Lurker was banned. Gettinstarted was banned for speaking up against RobK in RL Clarks thread. These people have no ties to Theo and Gassy and in fact, we don't even know who many of them are. Theo and Gassy are only observers and commentators. We don't get involved in the fight on board. This is why T&G was formed though! Censorship, intimidation, threats, stalking, and bannings have been the tools used by the pirates to control the subjects and the tennor of the site until now. They have also edited and modified the posts of many people to say things completely off the wall. If the Dead Chicken is really above board then why limit access?? Why the censorship?? In any case we apologize for new visitors who may not be able to see the Chicken and understand our blog fully. They had already hidden many things that were just too damning. Don your survival suits folks!! A Nor'easter appears to be bearing down on the good ship!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The "Other" Pirates

Gassy: So Theo, whats the deal with all the other pirates on the site that is not doin all the badmouthin?

Theo: Good question Gassy! I suppose people are there for a number of reasons. Most are there because of aggressive recruiting by Cutty and others.

Gassy: Do ya spose all them fellers jus don't know what's going on?

Theo: No Gassy, they know a lot of it. They don't know the things going on behind the scenes, but there is plenty right out in plain view. See, luckily Cutty and Hank have run the ship from day one because Feral never would have figured this out. You can't stand in an open field and throw stones at folks for long and get away with it! If stone throwing is your main focus, you need cover! That's why Cutty worked so hard to try and bring in anybody with their reputation still intact. The bowyers forum for aspiring bow builders was a stroke of genius!

Gassy: Ya mean Ol Cutty don't really care about al that??

Theo: No of course not, LOL. He doesn't build bows, go to shoots, or even hunt. Heck one of the best shoots in that part of the country is Libby, right there in Montana, but somehow Cutty never quite makes it, LOL.

Gassy: Yea that is strange rite thar! So all that sweet talkin an butter slatherin on da bow makin fellers is ta keep them on the reservashun?? Ifn he don't build no bows, dat mus be it!!

Theo: It looks to me like a smoke screen Gassy. I suppose it's a way of claiming some legitimacy for the site and providing cover so he and the few others can carry out the real pirate agendas. It's a shame too because you know, the pirates could actually be a respectable site. The bowyers there are being used as are many of the other respectable people as I see it, but if a few people weren't so bent on causing trouble, the good folks could carry the day.

Gassy: Don't those good folks no thet all the dirty dealings is tarnishin thar good name too?? Ya know cousin Enus used ta hang out at the local pot growers on acount of the good snacks they always had, an it wernt long afor folks thought he was a dad gum drug pusher!! Shoot he wuz just thar fer the bugles an da Ho Hos!!

Theo: That is a shame!

Gassy: yea, well ifn I wuz a new bow makin feller it shor wood burden me ta thank thet my reputashun was being all stunk up by a few fellers goin out an rasin hackles all over the dad gum place!!

Theo: Well Gassy, it's just human nature to look the other way when you see wrong doing, especially when you are benefiting from it. Lots of folks get the encouragement they want on the pirate ship plus they get their own forum.

Gassy: Yessir I imadjun that thar is a powerful insentive alrite. So if'n the makins of a real nice ship is thar then why don't Fearl just put the hammer down an stop all dat deflamin an stawkin an sech?? Its his dad gum ship an now he's got that cheetoo franchise too!

Theo: Sad to say Gassy, seems to me like Hank and Cutty and even the Lancaster boys have used Feral. Seems they know how to manipulate people so well, just like the bowyers, and I think Feral just let himself get sucked in.

Gassy: Snookerd! Yessir! Ya no, Ol Fearl really didn't have no enemies until he went ta runnin with the likes a Hank'n Cutty. Shoot he wuz run off'n most places fer being drunk'n nasty but even the fellers thet run im off liked him. Fearls a good harted Ol boy, jus a little ruff.

Theo: I think you're right Gassy, I always liked him. I just lost all respect for him when he let all the bad elements define his website. That's where all his troubles came from. Now he has people mad at him too

Gassy: yea it's too bad! He has da capt'ns cap but ends up jus going fer coffee.