Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Culture of Lying

Gassy: Ya no Theo, it seems like the pirates has lost sense a which direcshun is up! LOL. Now dat they is out flamin us they is jus pruven how messed up they is! LOL!!

Theo: To be a pirate Gassy, you must be able to suspend any sense of reason, logic, and truth. To most people, the concept of truth is an anchoring principle against which suppositions are measured. To a pirate, the concept of truth is a free form element that can be molded and shaped to fit any side of any argument.

Gassy: ya, dat makes sense !! what??? LOL!!

Theo: Take Cutty for instance, or Hank for that matter. In the DC they are trying to make the case that what we are doing is somehow unfair. Hank wants us to leave them alone! LMAO!!! Neither of these guys would ever even consider leaving people alone. In fact it is precisely because the pirates continue their campaigns that T&G were formed.

Gassy: Yep, Dats da only reason we is here! Cause them boys an uthers won't leave folks alone! Hank wants us ta leave so he an his buddys kin go back to slanderin, stawkin, lyin an badmouthin! LOL!!

Theo: Yep in fact, it was a comment by Cutty that finally broke the camels back and made this blog neccessary. There is one huge difference between us and them Gassy that really has them flumaxed. While they trade in lies and slight of hand, we have told the truth. In fact, everything we have said is documented. If we couldn't document it, it either had to be presented as conjecture or not presented at all. That's why all they can do is call us names and use every manor of deflection.

Gassy: Yep, like sayin we posted Ol stykshooter's letter, rite??

Theo: Yea that's one example Gassy. We never posted it because we never had it. We also didn't quote anything from it because we never had it. All we did was report that it was sent, and what it's purpose was.

Gassy: Yea, they twisted that thar all up in a knot! But why??

Theo: Gassy, they are so used to telling lies among themselves, and having the most ridiculous tall tales accepted, that they have lost sight of how preposterous they look to a sane outsider! LMAO!! First they created an offense that we never commited, and then they railed against it! That's because they needed to deflect attention from the real issue, which is the fact that RobK is using the pirates to continue his private war against DAS.

Gassy: It's a bit tough fer them pirates ta operate like this here I spose cause they cant delete stuff, er change a fellers posts, er ban us!

Theo: That's right! If folks look closely at what we say and then closely at the pirates spin, they will see it every time! If the pirates had any sense of reality, they would understand how it looks.

Gassy: Ye, well I has noticed that almost nobody but da hardcores is postin on them flamin threds. Ya spose folks is rethankin thangs??

Theo: Could be Gassy. People are not so quick now to pile in and support that crap. Perhaps they are beginning to realize what is going on. They are reluctant to stamp their name on it. The point is, the core pirates have done many rotten things, and sold many lies. We've got a lot of better things to do than hassle a handful of idiots on some website for no reason. Any fool would realize that, LOL!

Gassy: I spose folks will see a good bit more deflecshun and diverjen as time goes on eh??

Theo: Yes they will, LOL. I especially liked RobKs little pep talk and of course the usual suspects coming along behind with kudos and accolades, LOL! Sorry, no sale though, ha ha ha. No, if Randy, or Rob either one were truly standup guys they would admit what they've done, and if Paarcher or Kcummings were stand up guys they would ask for it. It's just that simple. They keep piling the lipstick and jewelry on this pig rather than just admitting what it is.

Gassy: LOL!! Yep, Did you see where Rob says da pirates have "principals", LOL!!

Theo: Yea, I wonder if he meant "principles", LOL!! Understandable I guess. He apparently doesn't know what it means, so it's no surprise he got confused about the spelling. LOL!

Gassy: Ye, but it's time ta move on aint it Theo? We gots a lots a ground ta cover. I was a bit taken back by KCummings sayin he knew the whole truth tho!

Theo: Yes we do need to move ahead Gassy, LOL!! I was pretty shocked by Kevins statement too! I always thought better of him honestly, but if he knew everything from the beginning..........., that casts a whole new light on his role.

Gassy: hard to figger, that one! Ifn he says he knew, then I spose he did!! Not sumpthin I'd be braggin about tho, LOL!!

Theo: No, me either Gassy, LOL!!