Monday, June 2, 2008

Man Up!

Theo: Gassy did you read that post by Gino defending the Dead Chicken??LOL

Gassy: It took ny almost an hour but yep I read the hole dang thang! Looks like they is back to da marter defense, LOL

Theo : The pirates are masters of hiding the pea Gassy! The more the heat gets turned up, the faster the shells fly in circles! LOL. Gino is back to the same old story about it's just men discussing things in a frank way, LOL. He brings up Cutty and how nobody is calling for him to be banned! LMAO.

Gassy; Ya spose that has anythin ta do with the fact that Cutty doesn't go affer folks on their site?????LOL! Cutty has been da ring leader from day one, dats why he's King of pirates! LMAO

Theo: Ya think Gassy?? I can't figure out if these guys are really that dumb, or if they think everybody else is that dumb???LOL. I think Feral has declared his site a Democracy because he has absolutely no control over it, and that "democracy" has been forced upon him. Democracy isn't anarchy, LOL!!

Gassy: heck evun Im not THAT dum, LOL. Fearl is too drunk an stupid to control them fools, dats why Cutty and Hank have used him for thar dirty work. He was an eazy puppet fer them 2!! LMAO Its to bad to, cuz Ol Fearl didn't have no troubles really till he let all them boys snooker him inta thar sick fites

Theo: It's painful to watch Gassy, I mean really! They talk about the pirates being a diverse group, but you know what they all have in common??

Gassy: Yessir!! they alls got an axe to grind, ever last one of'm. Some is mad at Tradtalk, some is mad at Leatherwall some is mad at DAS, some is made at Tradgang, some is mad at Papa Bull, some is mad at Terry Green. They's all got the same itchy bowel and need'n a spot to take a dump!

Theo: Yea, and a good many of them have been banned at other sites for trying to take their dump there! Gino tries to hide behind guys like Sixby and Rob Taylor, but strangely enough, those guys aren't the ones causing the trouble are they???LMAO

Gassy: Nossir! They is also not da ones banned at other sites neither! They's dang good at muddy'n up the water to put folks off'n the scent! Maybe Sixby and Carbon Caster could give us thar perspective, on all the bad mouthin from a pastors point a view??? LOL!! I wouldn't let any pastor who hangs on the pirate site babtize my monkey!!LMAO

Theo: Exactly Gassy! The monkey deserves better! LMAO Nobody cares what pirates say to pirates, people are upset when lies and badmouthing are turned loose on people who never want anything to do with any of them. Other sites took their trash to the curb and it was trucked off to the pirates site! Now I see Gino is making up the story that the DC wouldn't exist if it weren't forced on them by pesky outsiders, LOL. Gino was one of the original pirates, and perhaps he has forgotten the history that has led us here. They have had every opportunity to stop the crap but they just keep shoveling. Even DAS tried to convince them to pull up their pants and quit showing their butt crack, but it fell on deaf ears.

Gassy: It's a fancy yarn, yes in deed! Member when Ol Gino was accusin folks on other sites of hacking his computer. Said he had proof too! LMAO

Theo: Yep, I do remember that. He said that he also had proof that the hacker was a frequent porn site visitor by somehow back tracing it. Somehow though, the "proof" never surfaced, LMAO. No the TRUTH is that the slander campaigns run on the pirate ship are the execution of vendettas by people who are mad about being banned from other sites, and attacks carried out on DAS and Tradtalk by Lancaster's goons, Plain and simple . Gino even says in his post that the majority of threads in the Chicken are there to attack people on other sites. Well, DUH!! LMAO

Gassy: Ha ha ha ha ha !! Pirates don't rob thar own ships, LMAO!! They rob other ships. As far as recrutin new members, well Gino has been as involved as anyone in doin that, so what is he tawkin about not carin about new members??

Theo: Many of the new members have been recruited by the core members to provide cover for the REAL pirate agenda Gassy. Gino did a good job of rolling them out as human shields in his post didn't he??

Gassy: Yessir!! LOL, theys been burnin up the PM systems on all da sites recruitin folks like the boys in dat bowyers section.

Theo: I think what we really need is for all the guys like Sixby, Carbon Caster, Rob Taylor and others who are there to provide shielding to just step up and tell everyone why they are participating in this?? I'll bet folks would really like to know! Ha ha ha !

Gassy: Yep!! an dat RobK needs to tell folks why he supports all that thar to!

I shore am glad that them Pirates want thangs discussed out in da open and not behind closed doors! Theys only been free to do all dat stuff cause the other sites don't show THAR dirty lawndry. I spose it mus be dun tho!! LMAO!

Theo: I agree Gassy, you know stuff like Feral being banned from Tradgang for obscene behavior, or maybe the fact that he was run off of Tradtalk because be would get drunk late at night and post all kinds of sick crap, then the next morning when a moderator had cleaned it up he would thank them because he was too drunk to know what he was doing, LOL!

Gassy: Yea, thats ol FEARL alrite!! LOL. Course now he's master riser builder! LMAO. He musta foun an ingineers degree under the bottle cap of a wine jug!! Why, heres a picture of Fearl conduktin a detaled ingineerin study rites here!

Theo: Absolutely! LMAO!! Looks more like he is testing his sphincter strength, not the riser ! Ha ha ha ha ha !! Gosh, I hope it held!!! ROTFLMAO!! We'll have to talk more about why Lancaster was really pushed off of some of the websites too! LOL ! Say, speaking of that, I just came across this quote from Rob himself. Of course he was talking about his treatment on Tradtalk after all he did:

Mods, admins and owners of forums have no place bashing a reputable company and making personal attacks on anyone... it's inexcusable.

Gassy: Hmmm, musta fergotten all that! LOL. Maybe Ol Gino an Fearl didn't get RobKs memo, LMAO!! I'll bet Fearl was warin one a Hanks diapers!! LMAO!!

Theo: He was probably wearing TWO of Hanks diapers, LOL. Yea, RobK and Leegee seem to think it is just fine now. Why they have even thanked the pirates many times for their actions on Lancaster's behalf, but that's pretty typical of the hypocrisy of pirates! LOL

Gassy: Whats dat ol story about layin in the da bed ya made??? Ha ha ha ha!!

Theo: Ha ha ha ha ha !!