Friday, June 6, 2008

More Distraction

Gassy: Has you seen that Fearl an Gino an Castro is sayin that folks is jus jellous of all thar success an sech?? LOL Theys jus dont get it duz they???

Theo: Oh they get it alright Gassy, but admitting the problem is admitting that they are the cause of all this trouble! See, it makes a good sympathetic story to say that they are just being attacked because people are jealous.

Gassy: Jellous a WHAT??? Ha ha ha ha !! Mostly dat whole sitiashun is jus pathetic. LOL

Theo: Exactly Gassy. Nobody cares that Feral has his own site. Knowbody cares that Feral is selling risers to Lancaster. Nobody cares that Hank practices witchcraft or that Topcamp "rides ponies backwards". Nobody cares about the pirates at all! The pirate site is just a dump where the rejects end up. People like Casto who aren't even banned anywhere else like the rest of them, in spite of the way he tries to stir shit on other sites. Course he's just not taken seriously anywhere but the ship - buys and sells bows on a daily basis and can't decide whether he's left or right handed. He's a good example of the voluntary pirates!, LOL

Gassy: Yea, dats sad but pirates is not exakly enveible folks, LOL! No, da problam is when pirates go piratin, LOL!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, and you know, the leaders of the board have been lying to the rest of the pirate members long enough about what that site is REALLY there for. It damn sure isn't archery!! LOL

Gassy: Yea, uther folks hang in cuz most everone loves to see a good gut pile, LOL!! An then uthers has thar own little reasons like showin off'n thar bows an sech or pretendin to be eksperts. Fellers Like Ol Sixby crack me up da way they just go on about thar bizness an pertend they don't see Nuthin!! Ha ha ha ha !! Why, Rite heres a foto of ol Sixby hanging in the bowyers forum!! he he he!!

Theo: Yea, Cutty keeps those guys well buttered because they are his best cover, LMAO!! That picture could be a lot a folks Gassy!! Could be Rob Taylor, or maybe Kirkl, LOL Heck it could even be Alberta Kid!! LOL! "Duhhhh, I don't see nothing" LMAO!!! That's Ok though, I think some folks are beginning to get the idea that there might be something rotten after all, and yep, if they keep pretending they don't see it, then they are one of them. Cutty doesn't rule alone anymore though. Gettingstarted put a very harmless question to RobK of LAS who was coming on like an expert, and he was made to vanish immediately. LOL!! I think the ship has had a co-captain for a while now! LMAO!! By the way, you ever noticed how RobK of LAS gets to post all his contact data for potential customers all the time?

Gassy: Yessir!! mity rotten! LOL ! dat pirate site makes a good base a operashun fer stalkin folks and spredin lies an sech. LOL! I feel a backfire cummin on tho! I luv da way Fearl says he has no sponsers, LMAO!!!

Theo: Yep Feral is going to keep it up and drag a bunch his members into this and Lancaster too. It's too bad really because nobody wanted this to go this far, but Feral had to keep the fight going to keep Cutty happy mostly. Ferals leadership has never had any traction, LOL!!

Gassy: Well, it all wurked out fine as long as Ol Fearl could jus ban anyone who said anythang to point out the trouble. LMAO!!! the jig is up tho!! ha ha ha ha!!

Theo: Yea, I guess there is no way around making everything public, LOL We'll see how many members want to proudly show their patch then!! LMAO

Gassy: I'd luv ta be a fly on da wall when Fearl has ta explain ta Lancaster how letting his people run wild brought a brite lite down on the pirates AN them Lankustar boys!

Theo: Well I see that Feral has told people on his site that they need to stop badmouthing and start making positive contributions!!! LOL!!! Here's a quote from
the Donkey. It was in the thread by Idiot Laureate Mr. Zen "What I believe in my own wurds"

"They're not off limits nor will they ever be. It's just that when we have an anti-anybody-or-anything pep-rally it hurts this site. I got no problem if you want to tell those loser to pound sand up their asses. It is a much more effective weapon against them to use that energy constructivly and making a positive contribution.Every time something goes really good for us on this board, the Princess and his poodles come flaming and trolling. Every damned time like clock-work.See, THAT'S why they're flaming us with troll attacks constantly. They're trying to slow our momentum. They're trying to disrupt the good things we got going on here so we become a board about fighting like them. We will not be brought down to their level. We will not be brought down period. You want to hurt them? You want to hurt them real bad? Make positive contributions to this board. Our sucess is what makes them hurt the most. Then you'll realize that they don't matter. Those guys are meaningless."

Gassy: Ok, now I'm really confuzed!! I sees the lies and deflection thar tryin ta play the same ol story about folks jus jelluss, LOL!! But then waht??? So he's admittin that the trouble they has is caused BY THEM, SO, he wants them to stop doing it and post positive thangs, BUT, he still supports deflamin, an stawkin, an badmouthin????? WTF???? ROTFLMAO!!!

Theo: Sheeesh!!! And he wonders why people think he is a laughing stock!!! It just goes to show that he knows exactly what the problem is. Thing is though, he has surrounded himself with so many hoodlums that now he is afraid of his own board!! LMAO!! Yea, boy feral! The prospect of the pirate ship becoming respectable instead of a prison barge for hoodlums and a training camp for terrorists REALLY has us ticked off!! OOOOOOOWWWWWW are we ever pissed off!! ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

Gassy: Its sad ta see Fearl sink so low dat he thinks people won't see strate thru all dat nonsense. I thank fearl just don't have a cleer view of da wurld no more! LOL

Theo: Actually Gassy, I think his problem is more along these lines! LMAO!!

Gassy: ROTFLMAO!!!! Well at leest he has Gino thar to strong arm the bad'uns fer him!! LMAO!!

Theo: Yea, LOL, I understand Gino has had some training!!! LOL He was in the Navy wasn't he??

Gassy: Well maybe Fearl can hand out sum Tshirts an try ta keep the morel up!!

Theo: Yea Gassy, you can't pretend to be one thing when you are actually something much different!!

Quote from RobK:
"Thank you for the question and the opportunity to clear that up to the great folks on this helpful site!"

Quote from Feral:
"You're fuckin right it does, you greasy little shit-weasel. If you don't like it, tough shit. Go pound sand up your ass. On the internet you can be anyone you want but at the end of the day you're just a little shit-weasel sitting behind a computer monitor, trying to be somebody."