Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hi Everybody!!

Theo: Hi Everybody!! It's so nice of the Pirates of Archery to give you all a link to our blog! There's a bunch of reading here that will fill you in on all the dirty underhanded activities of this bunch of rats. You can also learn about Lancaster's ties to this bunch. It's very revealing stuff!!

Gassy: Yessir!! Hi everbuddy!!! Yaall can go to dat POA and reed a bunch a stank fer yurself too. Theo tell the folks how to do all dat!! LOL!!

Theo: Sure Gassy! Well folks, there is a forum there called the Dead Chicken where most of the filth has been handed out historically. That can still be seen if you register on the site. I'd suggest using an alias though so nobody knows who you are! Nobody wants membership THERE on their record! HA HA HA HA !!!

Gassy: Tell da folks about dat Greezy Weezle, an da Vary Bad Thangs ferum too Theo!!

Theo: Yes, of course Gassy, well there are two other forums that contain some really bad stuff. One is the Greasy Weasel and the other is Very Bad Things. You'll have to ask Feral Donkey for access now because he has those locked down tight! That's where all the cockroaches have retreated to, at least the ones they think they can trust!! HA HA HA HA !!!! They are password protected, but can get that from Feral I'm sure. He and all the boys there are very proud of their work!! These two forums also contain some historical material as well. They are so proud of it that have saved most of it! Be aware though, it contains extreme language, pornography, and disgustingly filthy images.

Re: Latest T&G
by Jim Casto Jr on Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:42 am
Darn... it looks like they found out about the Greasy Weasel forum.

Theo: Yep Jim, we found out the day it was opened, LOL!! When did you find out?? HA HA HA HA !!!

Gassy: Tell da folks whoall has ben slandered on dat POA ! HA HA HA HA

Theo: Well, here's a short list below. There are some threads that were so embarrassing either to the POA or to Tradtech/Lancaster that they are gone for good! You'll find information from that trash right here on the Pirate's review! You'll be surprised to hear that these attacks went way beyond their website! We also have copies of every slanderous word and lie spoken by every single one of them. We have a good number of PM's as well. You see, two of their closest moderators were so disgusted with all the dirty things being done to people that they have been on our team for a long time!! HA HA HA HA !!!!!

Gassy: Ye, an whut reelly cracks me up is when them boyz send aroun the PM's that they is smoking out a rat!!! We gets all the warnins by PM!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!! dat's why we didn't post da passwurd to tda Weezle! HAHA HA HE HE HE !!!

Theo: Ok Ok, here's a partial list of the people who have been the victim of organized attacks:



Phil Magistro



Terry Green

Papa Bull

David Soza (DAS)

Martin Farrent

Bill Carlsen

Denny Sturgess


3 Rivers Archery




Canadian Mohawk

And the list goes on...............................................!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Simple Update


Theo: Gassy what's the hell are you screaming about!!??? Now calm down dammit and tell me what's wrong!!

Gassy: It's the Jett!!! The Kid!!! the Kodiak KID!!!! He sez he's gointa Pinelanders house to kick his ass!!!

Theo: Is that all??? Sheesh Gassy settle down!! Jett isn't kicking anybody's ass!! ha ha ha ha

Gassy: No Theo!! you know the KID!! Hez da meanest baddest pirate ovum all!!! he's a BAD ASS dude Theo!!!

Theo: Ok, OK now I see the post! ROTFLMAO. Gassy you should know by now that all these pirates are masturbaters. The pirate ship is like fantasy island for these halfwits! HA HA HA HA Jett is nothing but a little Greasy Weasel. He's a frigging Shriner!! Have a look. Here's his threat and his picture LMAO!!!!!

by Jett on Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:58 am

"Pinelander's a pathetic pissant; half the time he hasn't a clue what he's talking about. Apparently he never read the entire thread or he's just too dense to see that all he did was to prove my point. I try to ignore him. He lives within driving distance & I'm tempted to pay him a visit & do something I would regret, LOL!"

Theo: He'd regret it altrght!! LMAO!!! He'd come back looking like this:

Gassy: HA HA HA HA HA !!! It wood take a hole teem a pirates to set dat boy straight agin!! Yu meen he's one deem fuckers dat rides da gocarts aroun at the parade????? LMAO!!!

Theo: Exactly Gassy! A HOLE TEAM!! HA HA HA HA!!!

Gassy: but don't them boyz do stuff fer the childrin an sech??? man dat is scary rite thar!!

Theo, Yea, how much you want to bet he takes a camera with him??? He looks just like the twizzles you see on the TV arrested for kiddy porn!!!

Gassy: Speakin a mastrubashun, you spose Ol Fearl has ever been with a real womin?? You no, one dat don't have an air valve???

Theo: Hell No!! Can you image what a woman would have to look like to climb into bed with Feral??? HA HA HA HA !!! That's a brutal image !!! LMAO!!!

Gassy: Dats why he spends all his muney on booze an Porn I guess eh???

Theo: Of course, what else does he have?? It's pitifull you know?? Even his website is masturbation. It's about the only thing in Feral's life that he has some control over except maybe his bladder.

Gassy: Yea, an then only if'n he's sober!! HA HA HA HA HA !!! I wunder if'n he's gone buk tooth from all the mastrubatin???

Theo: HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

Theo & Gassy: HA HA H AH AH AHA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

Theo: Let me wipe the tears away!! oh boy, that was good! Speaking of freaks, have you ever wondered why Hank is so fascinated by diapers????

Gassy: Oh Lard Ima frade to even thank!! A man his age on the diper???? ya know I can only thank a one reason!!

Theo: I was thinking the same thing Gassy!! I'll bet he's been passed around like cheap jug of wine at a sailers reunion!!!! HA HA HA HA !! LMAO!!!! "those guys" just love a little tiny fella like Hank, especially since he's so feminine looking!!!

Thomas firmly believes we can find adventure and magic around us, but not necessarily in some far off mountain range or jumping out of a plane with a parachute. It is right in front of us, in our everyday lives.

Gassy: Man he IS cute!!! speshally wit dat Hill bow an all!! Is them loafers dat boy is wearin?????HA HA HA HA. I'll bet some of dat magic was right behind him too!!! HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Yep, and I'll bet he's real light in them loafers too!!!!

Gassy: This here is good fun seein all them famos pirates!!

Theo: I know!!! Hey have you ever seen a real poacher??? Have a looky here!

Gassy: Is dat Spinetti????? Damn dat boyz got good teeth!! He shore ain't from our neck a da woods!! HA A HA HA !!!

Theo: No Gassy, he's the product of the rich and powerful!! Too bad he already looks like a boozer though. What a life wasted!! LMAO!!!

Gassy: Dat is sunthin fer sher!! Say did you see all dem boyz after ol Limbwalker on the good ship??

Theo: Yea, Feral got mad because Limbwalker said his crappy riser was uglier than a PSE Coyote!!!

Gassy" OOUUUUCH!!! whoa, dat's smartin rite thar!! HA HA H AH HA!!!!

Theo: Here's one of the comments that was pretty typical of the whole thread. Seems they all feel Limbwalker has nothng to brag about:

i agree about the thin skin, kodiak..... john will throw a tantrum faster than "dahli" and will take "his scheduled break from the sites." john may know how to shoot an oly bow VERY well but it doesn't mean he knows shit about bow design or performance. i have seen him say things in the past that made me wonder if he even knew how to tune a bow.

Gassy: Well he told Limbwalker dint he??

Theo: Yes he did!! Well, time to turn in Gassy, I'm glad you're calmed down now and Pinelander is safe and all!! LOL!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Candid Camera

Gassy: Theo, where you ben?? LOL I ain't seen you in a coons age!

Theo: I've been laying low Gassy, ha ha ha ha !!! You know the pirates have moved all the bad BS to the new secret forum so regular folks can't see what they are up to, LOL. I didn't to let on that we could see it until they hung themselves good, but it's too much fun to keep quiet for ever!

Gassy: NO kiddin! ha ha ha !!! Ya git some good stuff?? Didja??? LOL

Theo: Oh yeah Gassy, there's some good stuff. I just captured and downloaded the whole mess to our dedicated hard drive, LOL!! I can't wait to drop some of these bombs, LOL

Gassy: So shud we send sommadat shit off to the folks bein talked about??? LMAO??

Theo: I'm already on that Gassy. One of the victims though, I think we'll hold off on, ha ha he he he !!! There are some real possibilities here! ha h ah ha!!!

Gassy: ha ha ha ha !!!! So fearl still figgered it out??? He still don't no who you is.

Theo: hell, he's so stupid you can talk him through anything. I could convince him that pigs really do fly if I put my mind to it!! The really funny thing is that he still believes Robert registered this domain! Ha ha ha ha !!

Gassy: HA HA H AHA !!! Dat's purty good rite thar!!! We is havin a good time with ol fearl ain't we??

Theo: It's fun spinning him around by his tail, it sure is!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Telling Feral Tales

Theo: Yes, Feral is back to telling tales again. In this case he just resurrected some old posts. Here's the Feral version of pirate history, we'll interject the truth in RED:

by Feral Donkey on Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:51 pm
Like my buddy's grandpaw told him, no matter how thin you make the pancake, it's still got 2 sides. Here's my version.

Well shoot, we couldn't even get past the first sentence without hitting a wall of lies. Feral wants people to believe that the trouble betweem them and virtually everybody began with Lancaster bribing his way into the pirate site. Here's the truth. Feral and Hank were run off of Tradtalk. Any guess why? For Feral it was obscene posts, and drunken behavior. For Hank it was obnoxious behaviour exactly like the behaviour that has run out the patience of almost everyone on the pirate site. He was shilling Quinn bows in exchange for free bows from Quinn, which drove people crazy. Then it was his ridiculous Hanky aiming system. When his crap didn't fly, he became increasingly assaultive, and eventually was asked to take a time out. He left instead. The third founder, who just left voluntarily was Topcamp. His beef with Tradtalk? He wanted to be able to say "fuck" and considered any standard of conduct to be censorship. These 3 ignoramouses were the founders of the POA. If they had just left, that would have been the end of it. Instead they immediately started using their new site to launch attacks against Tradtalk and certain individuals like DAS. They were joined in short order by Gino and Cutty. Cutty was also banned for assaultive behaviour. Is this a shock to anyone? While Gino was involved in the early trouble, he has tried to steer clear of late. He still condones the actions of others that he knows are rotten. Cutty has been a primary trouble maker, and has brought more heat directly on the Pirates than everybody else combined. This was the TRUE genesis of the rift between the pirates and Tradtalk. Lancaster came out with a 17" ILF riser with classic lines of a Hoyt takedown recurve. It Looks like the DAS 17" riser which is also has the classic Hoyt look to it in a 17" package. They both are black anodized risers with rubber chicken grips. As far as I'm concerned, they're both ordinary looking and I don't see how one is a copy of the other because they look really regular, like every other take-down recurve handle made from the late 60's til now. So when the Lancaster catalog came to everyone a few months back, people opened up the catalog and saw a bow for sale that looked similar to the DAS. The fuse was lit and the shit hit the fan. Nope sorry wrong again. Rob Kaufhold decided to copy the DAS bow when he saw it on a hunting trip with his longtime friend Joe Lowry (NJstykbow). He and Joe took the riser back to Lancaster where it was disassembled for a closer look. Rob later denied having ever seen it. In preparation for his DAS copy launch, we went to Korea where he negotiated a deal that would prevent DAS from obtaining any Samick limbs. At the time DAS was using them to produce his heavy "buff" bows. The copy of the DAS bow was deliberate and calculated. The only miscalculation was that Rob thought he could roll into town and bully his way straight through the obstacles. Several people called Lancaster to enquire about the bow, and his salesmen told all of them that the Titan was a "copy of the DAS, but cheaper". When Rob realized he had stepped on a political landmine with his dirty deals, he shut his sales people up. Soza came unglued and mobilized his troops. Using his influence over Trad Talk, he caused as big of a mess for himself and for Lancaster as he possibly could have. Nope, Soza acted just as anyone would who has had the work of the last 3 years stolen. In fact Soza tried to find some amicable middle ground with Rob, but Rob had other plans. He also used it as an opprotunity to slander me and my board, even though I had fXXk-all to do with the whole thing. Then Rob, owner of Lancaster and now a memeber here, started posting on my board. Rob didn't just start posting on the POA. Cutty saw this as a perfect opportunity to use the conflict, and Rob, to attack Tradtalk and DAS. Cutty contacted Rob and invited him to the POA so they could fight a common enemy. An enemy that had never done them a bit of harm besides kicking them off a website. Rob joined knowing full well what the Pirates were up to, and more than willing to use them to attack DAS and Tradtalk. Turns out he's a nice guy and is trying to make cool stuff. He saw a void in the market that Soza wasn't filling and he went for it. Nope, he saw an opportunity to capitalize on another mans hard work, and thought he could use his money and influence to bulldoze DAS into the ground. The pirates knew it too. Gino, Cutty, and even KCummings all called him on it, before Rob got the fix in. Feral said that Rob made his bed and desrved what he got. That was all before they figured out how to make use of the situation. I got no beef with Rob and I thought the slander campaign on him was a little childish and smelled like Communist, good-ol-boy, cry-baby rhetoric. so I gave him shelter and had the only place on the internet where the DASkateers couldn't pick fights and destroy the discussions about his gear. Nope, Rob attempted to threaten and bribe the trad websites into doing his bidding. That's why he got into trouble with some. Some were offered as much as $10,000. Penny Banks confirmed that fact right on the Dead Chicken. Rob became a proud "sponsor" of Stickbow and he was already a sponsor of Archery Talk with complete control of their moderators. Tradtalk and TradGang sent Rob and his money packing. Any coincidence that both have been targeted by the Pirates?? I wonder. Rob also threatened to throw all his weight behind the Pirates unless Tradtalk played ball on his terms. Tradtalk declined and the pirates got a new website. Most likely Feral got a nice check for his part, but he'll never admit it. If he wasn't paid, he was the ONLY site owner that wasn't approached. What are the chances of that?? Of course this made me a target for their wrath too, spreadding lies that this site is owned by Lancaster and we're all their agents of destruction, which couldn't be farther from the truth. They worked, and probably still work, around the clock, making phone calls, sending hate letters to his vendors, spreadding lies and malice behind the scene about myself and my products, etc... Here we have a clear case of projection. there were no phone calls, no hate letters, and no lies. It was the truth that chapped their hides. Many of the pirates did get caught writing letters to DAS associates, and making phone calls. They lied about who they were and what their motives were. Cutty, Hank, and Stykshooter (Rob's buddy)were among them. The pirates have been spreading lies deliberately ever since, and tons of them have been exposed by Theo and Gassy if you care to read the entries. They should put their energy into creating something. Hell, for the ammount of energy and work they wasted on trying to do harm to themselves and others, they could have made some really neat stuff.That is my version. The energy expended was in dealing with the barrage of lies and evildoings by the pirates and Lancaster surregates. Evil doings that have continued to this day and continue to fuel the animosity. There was never been any attention paid the Pirates at all except in response to their attacks. They have operated as a terrorist organization lobbing missiles down on decent people who just want to be left alone. It has been that way since theses defectives were run off of Tradtalk. Think HAMAS! Same MO. You can get as many versions of this story as you like, just depends who you ask. There are other players involved that I didn't mention also like Kevin (GEREP). Yes, there was Kevin Cummings. Guess what got him into trouble?? He was outspoken about the dirty dealings regarding Lancaster until he received a PM from Rob offering to send him a bow to "evaluate". He did not contact Rob as he claims. That's when Cummings went on a spamming rampage. He copied full page spam ads onto every website. He was questioned about it on Tradtalk because like many websites, spam is not tolerated. Tradtalk was especially unhappy because money and threats from Lancaster had already been dealt with by the owner. When confronted with information that he had received the bow for free, Cummings refused to answer, and he refused to drop the spamming for his new found buddy Rob. That is the truth about Cummings problems with Tradtalk. It's amazing that people will sell their soul for so little. Cummings did, and he was banned because of it. Of course he has been a big part of the ongoing trouble. He tries to sneak back onto Tradtalk every chance he gets, and was banned for the umteenth time just a week ago. Kevin hates the fact that he has to live in the same trailer park with the rest of the trash, but he made his own bed and now has to lay in it. I gave you the "short" version of the story.Lord of the Hooligans.

Gassy: yep, well it's a shame we has to keep going ovur all this, but when the pirates try to sell thar lies we has no choice.

Theo: That's right Gassy, LOL. They just aren't smart enough to shut the hell up and quit lying, so they will have to suffer the truth yet again.