Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hi Everybody!!

Theo: Hi Everybody!! It's so nice of the Pirates of Archery to give you all a link to our blog! There's a bunch of reading here that will fill you in on all the dirty underhanded activities of this bunch of rats. You can also learn about Lancaster's ties to this bunch. It's very revealing stuff!!

Gassy: Yessir!! Hi everbuddy!!! Yaall can go to dat POA and reed a bunch a stank fer yurself too. Theo tell the folks how to do all dat!! LOL!!

Theo: Sure Gassy! Well folks, there is a forum there called the Dead Chicken where most of the filth has been handed out historically. That can still be seen if you register on the site. I'd suggest using an alias though so nobody knows who you are! Nobody wants membership THERE on their record! HA HA HA HA !!!

Gassy: Tell da folks about dat Greezy Weezle, an da Vary Bad Thangs ferum too Theo!!

Theo: Yes, of course Gassy, well there are two other forums that contain some really bad stuff. One is the Greasy Weasel and the other is Very Bad Things. You'll have to ask Feral Donkey for access now because he has those locked down tight! That's where all the cockroaches have retreated to, at least the ones they think they can trust!! HA HA HA HA !!!! They are password protected, but can get that from Feral I'm sure. He and all the boys there are very proud of their work!! These two forums also contain some historical material as well. They are so proud of it that have saved most of it! Be aware though, it contains extreme language, pornography, and disgustingly filthy images.

Re: Latest T&G
by Jim Casto Jr on Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:42 am
Darn... it looks like they found out about the Greasy Weasel forum.

Theo: Yep Jim, we found out the day it was opened, LOL!! When did you find out?? HA HA HA HA !!!

Gassy: Tell da folks whoall has ben slandered on dat POA ! HA HA HA HA

Theo: Well, here's a short list below. There are some threads that were so embarrassing either to the POA or to Tradtech/Lancaster that they are gone for good! You'll find information from that trash right here on the Pirate's review! You'll be surprised to hear that these attacks went way beyond their website! We also have copies of every slanderous word and lie spoken by every single one of them. We have a good number of PM's as well. You see, two of their closest moderators were so disgusted with all the dirty things being done to people that they have been on our team for a long time!! HA HA HA HA !!!!!

Gassy: Ye, an whut reelly cracks me up is when them boyz send aroun the PM's that they is smoking out a rat!!! We gets all the warnins by PM!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!! dat's why we didn't post da passwurd to tda Weezle! HAHA HA HE HE HE !!!

Theo: Ok Ok, here's a partial list of the people who have been the victim of organized attacks:



Phil Magistro



Terry Green

Papa Bull

David Soza (DAS)

Martin Farrent

Bill Carlsen

Denny Sturgess


3 Rivers Archery




Canadian Mohawk

And the list goes on...............................................!