Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year 2009!

Gassy: What the heck Theo?? The pirates are still clamin we is liars an sech, an we jus posted thar own words.

Theo: Gassy, we are more than happy to let the court of public opinion judge us as well as the pirates. We have told no lies here, but the sad fact is that the truth is far more damning for the pirates. That is why they are hopping mad.

Gassy: ye shore wood thank that the fellers wood espect what they got comin, actin like that.

Theo: Oh, they do expect it, but they sure don't like it. Now they are issuing all sorts of threats and you know what? We could care less. Here's the Donkeys little manifesto:

by Feral Donkey on Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:29 pm
We all know who I'm addressing here. Do you really want this forum out in the open? We tightened down security last summer and made this forum private so it didn't bother you little girls any more. Now you can't handle it and you want to try and bring things out in the open. I'll open the fucking thing back up so it's visible to everybody if that's what you want. No sweat off my sack. As I recall, it didn't work out so well for you last time. You had it your way and that just wasn't good enough. What's the matter? You aren't getting enough attention as an archery genius any more so you have to stir shit again? Your life is all fucked up by your own doing but you can't possibly be at fault because you're so smart, pretty, and perfect. We all should just bow down and kiss your fucking ass, eh? No, it's because what those Pirates say to each-other behind closed doors that. Yeah. There you go. Feel better now? You're not just a washed-up dousche bag trying to look like a genius to the traditional archery market.Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. Remember, there wasn't a problem until you went poking in where you don't belong. You couldn't just leave it alone. Is it a beautiful day in your neighborhood? Well, from the bottom of my heart I'm telling you that it's a beautiful day for you to go fuck yourself.

Theo: And here are Jett's feelings on the matter:

by Jett on Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:19 pm
Sorry, but I just hate weasels like those guys. I'm really a live & let live type. But these cowards won't leave us alone. There is wisdom in the "just ignore them" theory. But I've yet to see it successfully done. Besides, if they keep dishing it out I'll give it back an hundredfold. Fuck 'em. They are what I say. And they'll get it worse everytime. Let 'em prove me wrong if they can. But they can't. Because I'm right. And they know it. We're better than them on every level. And they'll have to see that every time they come here uninvited. Bet they get sick of having to look in the mirror time after time. I may not know who they are, but I know what they are. I never really even had a dog in the fight but I took up the gauntlet just because of what they are: candy-assed little pussy-farts who think they are heroes but are in reality drooling & diapered infants incapable of standing toe to toe with better men - or women, for that matter - that deserve to be ridiculed mercilessly every time they poke their heads out of their holes. If this is what they want, I'm more than happy to give them a belly full. They can never even contemplate being in the right as long as they hide in the shadows; they shall ever remain simpering little rodents until they decide to stand tall before the man. Which will be never. Because they are internet eunuchs emasculated by mamaws apron strings. They never learned the important fact that courage is not the absence of fear - hell, I may fear a lot more than they do, I dunno - but rather the overcoming of it. They chose to be cowards & to conduct a pathetic, sniveling campaign against their betters. That's why they hate us. And that's why I hate them. But, more importantly, that's why they hate themselves. C'mon! Tell me I'm wrong you worthless little shit balls! As long as you remain anonymous, you're nothing to me but an exercise in derogatory epithets & adjectives. I'm certain I can attack you & yours in any manner I wish & you still won't come out from under your bed will you? Keep coming back & your liable to piss me off; then I'll really say mean things! Now go away you passive-agressive little pissants!See!? It just flows easily. But I promise to cease when they do, fair enough?

Gassy: Ol jett shore thinks he knows what he is talkin about, don't he?

Theo: He doesn't have a clue what brought this on, or even what the argument is about. He's just another big mouthed social degenerate like the rest of the members of the dead chicken. Ferals little dillusional rant is a joke. Here are the facts.

1. The pirates believe they have the right to slander anyone they choose, and that they should suffer no consequences for it.

Our position: Slander is wrong, period. As long as they persist we will expose their deeds, their methods, and their motives. Lancaster and their pirate henchmen found out real quick how embarassing that can be. Sackett recieved a copy of all 9 pages of his roast. Phil Magistro has copies of all his assaultive threads too, just to name two. If you aren't proud of your words, then you damn sure better keep them to yourself.

2. The pirates use the dead chicken to organize attacks and slander campaigns against people on other sites.

Our position: Try it, and we will be there. We'll expose it in public and document it here. Remember that K Cummings. We gave you a pass on the last one. We won't again.

3. Feral insists the dead chicken is a private forum, so anything goes.

Our position: It's so open they don't even know who has seen it. Regardless of whether it is limited, if it is being used to attack ANYONE it is WRONG. We could care less whether the members of that site are too morally corrupt to recognize it.

We could care less what grief you bring to each other. You can cuss, post your pornography, exchange stories of crapping in your waders, and drink yourselves into a stupor. We don't care. You can lie to each other about who and what you are. You can live out your sick fantasies to prop up your sagging masculinity. No problem. You can boast, and blow hard all you want. You will never hear a word from us.


If you persist in using the site to attack anyone else for any reason, you WILL get a hot poker in your ass, that's a promise. You will NEVER be free to carry out dirty deeds without consequence. You say you can't control people like Cutty? That's your problem. You created it, now deal with it. The choice is 100% yours, just as it has always been. Nobody would even look at your site if you weren't using it for nepharious activity. And to the people who hang on the side lines and quietly condone the actions there, you can expect to see your names in lights too.

Happy New Year!

Theo & Gassy

Sunday, December 28, 2008

From the Horses mouth

Theo: Gassy, you know Howattman made a very good point about our blog in the dead chicken. He said that some people coming here to read our entries probably don't understand what we are talking about anyway. He's probably right about some of the issues.

Gassy: weel, whut is we gonna do to fix that?

Theo: We need to just start cutting and pasting more Gassy, so tonight we bring you piracy straight from the pirates mouth! The pirates keep saying how we lie about them so it's only fair to let them speak for themselves a little more.

Gassy: yessir! that thar is a gud idea fer shore!

Theo: OK, here we go! Disclaimer: I usually paraphrase their actual words to eliminate the excess filth, but this is unfliltered. This thread went on for 9 pages and desparaged the man just about every way imaginable. It's typical of what goes on in the dead chicken.

These are some choice cuts directly from the most recent attack which was on CM Sackett:

by KODIAK on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:44 pm I know on-line personas can be misleading but from day one(8 years ago)I always thought Sackett came across as a self righteous dick. Can't stand his posts and I used to let him know it with regularity....but I'm banned now.

by longbow billy on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:31 pm
Sackett sounds like a fucking dipshit

by Feral Donkey on Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:05 pm
Good ol, Chip didn't like that when you put all the info on the table. Well, it looks like he'll go back to working on the Doorway Butt some more. "The Doorway Butt, the tale of young Esquire's passage to gay manhood by Cunt Mouth Sackofshit."

Feral Donkey on Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:57 pm
He's a cunt. If anyone wants to grind him for a while, don't expect me to tell you to stop. In fact, keep on him. Let's make him pop so he threatens to kick someone's ass. I fucking hate pan-handlers.

by KODIAK on Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:49 pm I don't know about any of it, but I agree that if Sackwet is the cyber-spokesman for Black Swan, he's costing Arvid some sales imo. I would venture that most see right through his bullshit internet guru thing.

by Voodoo on Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:35 am
Wow, I'm having what must be referred to as a cyber-epiphany....... I thought you guys liked CM I find out you don't.... wow, I could tell you a first hand story that would truly piss you all off to the first order... but I won't... just suffice to say if he ever threatens me in person, instead of on the internet like he has, he won't finish his sentence... and that's a fact!

by Voodoo on Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:46 pm I have yet to meet him in person but I hear suckett is 10 feet tall, shoots laser beams from his eyes ,poison words from his mouth,and can skin a live grizzly with one hand while beating off with the other..

Theo: Oh, and if anyone thinks we were kidding about Pete Wards endorsement of the pirates, here's what he had to say about us telling you all about it:

by petew on Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:51 pm Seems they knew I posted here within an hour of it.If it makes them happy, they can add my name to the honor Roll ,it can't hurt me. CUZ I DON"T GIVE A FUCK !

Theo: So there you are folks. We could have told you that we didn't like what happened to Sackett, but Howattman was quite right. Giving you some actual quotes is much clearer for those who don't follow, and now they can't claim we lied. Heck, these are their own words, LOL. I'm sure the pirates won't mind since they are all very proud of themselves, LOL. Controversy is what keeps a website vibrant!

Gassy: yessir, but them boys er shore lookin hard fer the rat that is outing them to the public. I thanks its a hoot them boys ain't figgered it out yet!

Theo: I know, we give them clues all the time and we are so close they could touch us, LMAO!! They are like blind men swinging at a pinata! HA HA H AHA

Gassy: HA HA H AHA HA !!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Civil Uprising

Theo: Gassy, there was a civil uprising on the good ship today, did you see that?

Gassy: Nope I missed it, what happind??

Theo: It was priceless! Some guy named Scott Jenkins brought up the goings on in the dead chicken and the usual suspects rallied forth to run him off. Now he is gone, and I presume banned.

Gassy: No kiddin!! LOL!!! whut did dat feller say??

Theo: Actually, he has really straight up with them, but of course he didn't realize what a pack of liars and thieves he was dealing with, LOL. He just wanted to know why there had to be a forum on the POA dedicated to slander, character assassination, and general misdeeds. Of course he got bad mouthed, cussed at, and ultimately banned. He let several mean cats out of the bag before he was though!

Gassy: Du tell!!! LMAO I gotta heer this!!

Theo: Well, for one thing, remember how Feral told the guys in the chicken not to tell the other members that the DC was still open?? LMAO, they know! Scott also asked them about the attack on Sackett. I guess he saw the post on LW. People on the POA really need to know what is going on behind their back. They should also know that there are 2 distinct classes on the POA. If you aren't part of the POA elite, you don't get to see in the chicken. That's a private clubhouse for maybe 100 of the top brown nosers, LOL.

Gassy: No sir!!! cant be! not an elite class on the POA!! ROTFLMAO!!!

Theo: Yes Gassy, the last bastion of democracy on the web has a ruling class, LOL. The DC is also being used by these guys to slander as usual. Unfortunately for Feral the line btween friends and rats is very very thin. That's why we will always be able to see it, just like we always have. I copied all nine pages of the Sackett thread in the DC, so we have all the players on record, LOL. Scott showed Howattman for the liar he is, and worked over Oscar too. Of course those 2 clowns can't even keep their lies straight so it was pretty light lifting, LOL.

Gassy: ye, I see thar wuz a hornets ness all stirred up! Say, what is dat Pete Ward doing in da chikin?? Dont say he is a pirate!!

Theo: Yep, he's a card carrying Pirate. He knows all about what gets said in the DC and joins in too. He sure would like people to think he is a stand up guy, but nobody who's involved with that is stand up. I guess he is another one that we have to scratch off the list of folks we wouldn't get near on a bet!

Gassy: He maid sum comment on Tradtalk about hardly evur agreeing with Esquire, er sum sech, LOL.

Theo: Well, now we know why don't we? LMAO!! It would be pretty hard for any member of the liar's union to find much in common with Esquire. In fact, I'd like to know why Pete even goes to Tradtalk. He obviously holds them in contempt, but he has no problem using them for information.

Gassy, ye, jus annuder 2 fased skunk, LOL

Theo: It's good that folks can come here and get the info they can't get anywhere else, LOL. It all wound down when Gino stepped in and gave his usual double talk about "yes I agree but no I don't", LOL. It was real fools parade and the sad thing is that there were actually some of them who thought they made Scott look bad! LMAO!! That's just how removed from reality they are!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thoughts for a New Year

Gassy: Well Theo we is jus about don wit 2008, ha ha ha . Shore has bin a good year ain't it?

Theo: It sure has Gassy! Toasting out the old year and in the new is especially sweet! LOL I was thinking that maybe it is a good time to reflect on all the good that has been done.

Gassy: Yessir! Let's do dat! Ya no Theo, I was thankin dat its amazin how them pirates still sware they is rite an jusified in all da dirty thangs they do, ha ha ha .

Theo: Well Gassy, think about it! Do you really know ANYBODY who thinks their opinions, world view, or actions are wrong?? HA HA HA HA ! From the most accomplished to most perverse, they all feel justified and right!

Gassy: Yep ya no evun Mansen, Jim Jones, an folks of dat stripe swears they is inocent and jusified, LMAO!

Theo: That's right Gassy! In fact, it seems that the deeper the dillusion, the less able they are to see or acknowledge what they do. Crazy people don't really know they are crazy, but the rest of the world does. The pirates are a prime example, LOL. Most of their own members avoid the dead chicken like the plague. Even when you shove that steaming heap under their nose, they refuse to look.

Gassy: yep, I espect dat most of them is embarrased by the likes a Fearl an his crew a haf wits. They is only thar acuz Cutty was smart enuff ta give'm a club house fer thar bow buildin an such.

Theo: That's right! ha ha The bowyers forum was a calculated move by Cutty to provide cover for the real work of the core pirates. To be fair, those guys have turned that into a first class exchange too! It's just sad that their clubhouse is built downwind of the county sewage treatment plant, LOL. That's a stink hanging over them that will never clear! ha ha ha ha

Gassy: Well they is to cowardly ta stand up to it, we has seen dat. I gess cowards just take what they is handed eh??

Theo: We can take solice in knowing we have outed them though Gassy. There is a toxic soup of characters in that DC, LOL. You have the hardcore defectives like Cutty, Hank, Feral, Howattman, John, Longbow Billy, etc. Then you have the Lancaster liars choir with Cummings, Travis, Brookshier, Lowry, and their ilk, and finally you have the supporting cast of Golums like Wordan and Castro ha ha ha ha ! The hilarious thing is that none of them have a clue that the rest of the world sees exactly how malignant they are!

Gassy: I no!! ha ha ha Did you see whar Spinnetti is callin fer da pirates to really get muvin and git thar agenda out on da web?? ha ha ha!!! He says they is da most powerful force in tradishunal archery!

Theo: Of course he thinks that Gassy, LOL. It's all about dillusion. A fifth of Makers Mark in one night will do that to you. Never mind that they are broadcasting from a basement bunker because they dare not let people see what they are doing, LMAO!

Gassy: yep, ha ha ha ha !!! I especially liked Paarchers call fer restraint. Did you see dat?? Pick yer Battles???

Theo: Boy, what a hoot. ha ha ha He doesn't really think the pirates were wrong in attacking Sackett on the LW, he's just afraid it will make them LOOK bad, HA HA HA HA HE HE HE HE !!!!

Gassy: now thars a classy feller right thar!!! HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Not only classy, but a classic example of the twisted logic that passes for the voice of reason, LOL. Yea, like I said earlier Gassy, even the sickest among us think they are just fine, LOL.

Gassy: Yessir! but we kin hoot in da new year knowin we shined a bright light on them cock roaches dint we Theo?? ha ha ha

Theo: It's all here for anyone who wants to know Gassy, LOL! Merry Christmas little feller!

Gassy: Mary Chrismus to you too Theo!!! and ta all a good nite!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

John the Liar

Theo: Well Gassy it appears we have a new inductee into the liars hall of fame! LOL!! It's John Carter, AKA John, AKA JackNZ, etc.

Gassy: Yessir! He shore has a poor memory don't he?? HA HA HA Ever time he comes along ta cuss DAS he has a new reason, LMAO!!

Theo: Yes Gassy, here's the one that won him the prize from the "Is DAS DOA" thread:

What Bob Palmer say's about the negative comments from "some" of the DAS supporters certainly has played a big part in the exceptance of DAS in my part of the world.One of the biggist reasons I sold my own DAS was because I got sick to my guts reading the comments coming from those people.Some of my friends that were looking at buying DAS based on my impressions of my own bow,backed out as soon as I made my feelings known."NEVER" trust somebody that shits on the competition without bloody good reason,"ALWAYS" take a closer look at the finger pointers.There were 4 potentual DAS owners here, that went for other brands as a direct result of the LAS knockers.The up side was,until "some" people started shitting on LAS,I'd never heard of them,,,,now I buy most of my equipment from them.The real pity is that the DAS bow,is in my view,a bloody good product.

Posts: 241
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:29 am
Location: New Zealand

Theo: Problem is, John said on a post from Sept 2007 that he sold it because it was no better than his cheapest bows, LOL

Gassy: No bettur than da cheapest bows??? That don't make no sense at all???

Theo: Neither does selling a bow you supposedly like because you hear some bad junk on the internet Gassy, LMAO!!! Everybody ready for the the truth??

Gassy: Yessir!!!

Theo: When John first got the bow he put up several posts saying how great the bow shot. Problem was, he didn't want a great bow. He wanted a magic bow. When he finally figured out that the DAS was not going to fix his shooting problems, then the bow was no good. Then it was no better than his cheapest bows. Then DAS was a crook for even selling it to him. What really pissed him off was that he sold it for less than he paid for it, and of course that was DAS's fault too, HA HA HA HA !!

Gassy: So then he became a flamin ahole on the forums??? What a friggin pinhead!!! HA HA HA HA HA

Theo: Yep, then he went to work getting his revenge on DAS, because he bought a good bow that didn't make him a world class archer, got mad, and sold it in a huff at a loss. That's the kind of pinheads that just love to join the slandering and lying on the ship.

Gassy: Now he says he sold it cuz a tha Lankustar bruha??? LMAO?? whats wit dat???

Theo: He just likes to freshen up his lies now and then to stay with current affairs, HA HA HA HA HA !!! He's a perfect pirate Gassy. He loves lies better than the truth, he blames everybody else for his inability, and most importantly, he is a vindictive small minded pinhead who sees nothing wrong with using the pirate ship to carry on an endless war against someone who never did him a bit of harm.

Gassy: Yep, he shore duz diserve his own post to inshrine his lying butt in the hall er flame! HA HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: And so it is Gassy, HA HA HA HA !!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The freaks are a tight old crew

Gassy: Did ye see whar Cutty was a callin ar credibility inta queschun? He says folks dat use us fer a sorce git what they deserve?? LMAO

Theo: Well Gassy, sure. We've outed him for poaching and not one word has been said on the good ship. Not surprising that the pirates would support elk poaching, LOL!! We also outed RobK for trying to buy influence, which Penny Banks confirmed. So now he's trying to take issue with Kaufhold machine shop belonging to Rob's brother instead of Rob???, LMAO!!

Gassy: What's dat term?? Graspin at da straws??? HA HA HA HA . So I guess Rob don't trust his bruther ta do the risers eh?? Jus a fish of a differnt strip if'n ya ask me, HA HA HA

Theo: Yep, I still have the same question. Why isn't Kaufhold machine shop building them??? I don't expect we'll get an answer to that or the poaching, or how much money Feral was paid.

Gassy: Ye, Ol Fearl shore didn't seem much upset bout the other folks gettin offered the fat chek did he??

Theo: Well Gassy, with all the blowing he's done about having no sponsors he isn't likely to tell the truth about that is he?? What are the chances that all these other guys got offered money, and Feral was left out??? HA HA HA HA !!!

Gassy: HA HA HA HA !!! Yep!!, HE HE HE HE !!!...Hey, I seen dat Cutty was askin Cummins whoall they shud go after next now that DAS is DOA?? LOL! Here's da quote from Cutty:

"So who are we going to take down next? I know Kevin and I were thinking about Howard Hill for a while. "

Theo: DAS isn't DOA Gassy, he's just dropped out of sight for good. He's still building bows for 3 Rivers. The pirates have succeeded in harrassing him to that point, so Kevin, Cutty, and the rest can feel very proud about that! LOL, What a great service to traditional archery! Cutty's post lays to rest the story Kevin keeps pedaling about being neutral doesn't it???, HA HA HA . Of course we have known all along where Kevin stands because we have communications between him and others on 3 or 4 different boards including the POA, LOL.

Gassy: He shore do want ta play the innocent card don't he?? Reminds me a dat skunk James Wrenn, HA HA HA HA !!

Theo: Ain't that the truth?? See Kevin choses all his public words very carefully. He doesn't want any public record of what he's really up to. The thing is, Kevin hopes one day to return to the respectable archery boards. He has enjoyed being important to Rob and the "cause", but truthfully, he sees himself above the trailer park where the rest of the freaks live. That goes for Wrenn too. He cringes every time he thinks of burning his bridge with Tradtalk for that stinking ship, and for what??? LOL !!

Gassy: Duz he really thank folks will fergit??

Theo: Well, intelligent and decent folks don't usually like to spend time around folks that are missing either attribute. Both Kevin and James are smart enough guys but neither one has an ounce of integrity. Both were willing to basically sell their friends and their soul for some crappy archery gear. Both of these guys supporting the pirates and tradtech know what the deal is, but neither has the honesty or integrity to sit back and look at the big picture because they'd have to admit their part in it.

Gassy: Yep, What do you spose James paid fer that riser an them LB limbs?? LOL Ya know James is pretty cheap an I bet he scored a sweet "intraduckory" price, HA HA HA !!! I see the chicken is shut down to everbody cept a few. If'n they is all so proud a dat crap how cum they don't want folks to see it??

Theo: Howattman is a good example Gassy. He's basically a scum bag. You get a real good look at his true character in the chicken. He wasn't so happy about folks knowing he was a scumbag though. He just wasn't as smart as Cummings or Casto about hiding it. They're just as rotten, but a lot sneakier about hiding it. Did you notice Casto high fiving Howattman after the blowup on the LW?? That's a real good window into Castos character right there.

Gassy" Ye, an Hout man's haff ass apology on the Lederwal didn't fly did it?? HA HA HA HA

Theo: It wasn't an apology Gassy. That was the problem. He is proud of being a scum bag. He was just sorry that people he wanted to fool saw it, HA HA HA HA . Actually Gassy, you can tell a lot about a person when they join that mess. It's kind of scary to find out really. Do you remember the movie "Rosemary's Baby" ??

Gassy: Yessir!! Dat was one scary movie rite thar! All them normal lookin folks all eat up with da devil!

Theo: Yep, you know, there's a real good chance that Hank, Feral and topcamp are satanists. They all hate Christians, and they are all into wierd things like numerology. Cutty is just sick and evil so he'd be happy to help them stab cats an such.

Gassy: BBRRRRRRRR now ye got all my bones a shakin an shimmeein!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tewwy Gween

Gassy: So who is dat Tewwy Gween feller?? I seen dat Fearl is makin all kinds a storys bout who dat is, LOL

Theo: Who knows Gassy, but the idea that it is one of us or someone from Tradtalk is assinine, LMAO!! Here's how I see it. Feral hosts a site that encourages people like that. He and his crew recruit the scum from the bottom of every website barrel for members. When the crap flys, they all high five each other and laugh it up. What difference does it make if it is Cutty, or Hank, or Zen, or Howattman, or some other pinhead?? Heck Old Bill is so senile he could have done it and forgotten already! They are all rowing the same boat REGARDLESS.

Gassy: Yessir! Insted a jawin ovur who done it, why not just say "we ain't doin that no more, and those that do can pack thar shit and GIT". LOL

Theo: What?? Run off all those wonderful gentlemen that Bill Grenoble keeps crowing about?? Quality guys like Howattman??? ROTFLMAO!!! I guess Bill thinks his anus looks better if he surrounds himself with flaming anuses, LOL! Trying to separate the wheat from the chaf in that dump is a waste of time. If it wasn't Cutty this time, it will be next time. If it wasn't Howatman this time, it could be next time, so who cares. Tewwy is a pirate. There is no mistaking the smell, and it could just as easily be one as another.

Gassy: I sees Fearl wants Phil ta ban Tewwy, LOL He nose dat can't happen, LOL

Theo: Phil isn't banning Tewwy for the same reason he hasn't banned Hank, or feral, or Cutty, even though he knows who they are. He's under orders. You can bet that if he wasn't, all those idiots would be gone.

Gassy: Ye, them boys ain't got a clue. They is tawking about us graspin at straws, being crazy an sech, and them boys still ain't even got a clue in hell who we are!! Let's see, they has accused some combinashun of Papa Bull, Martin, Esquire, DAS, Phil, Pinelander, and I can't ramember who else!

Theo: They haven't even gotten warm Gassy, even when the hints are right under their nose! Heck we've all but signed our names to this and they still keep blaming the same guys they have been slandering all along. I think Feral needs a new card reader, LOL. Hank is good at bullshiting old ladies out of their pension money, but he sure has dropped the ball for Feral! Kinda makes you wonder if numerology might be bullshit HA HA HA HA !! Tunnel vision is a terrible thing! He doesn't even know we are pirates, all of us!! LOL!! We don't visit the POA, we are card carrying members! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Gassy: Makin ever buddy a moderatur shore was a big help too! ha ha ha !! Maybe them boyz all wint blind from mastrabatun???? LMAO!!
Theo: Actually Gassy, I'd guess a good many of them couldn't keep up a pace that would make them go blind!! HA HA HA HA!! I'll bet some are just pretending be blind so the rest of the gang thinks they can still do it!! HA HA HA HA !
Gassy: Ye, an I guess we wuzant as crazy as Fearl hoped cuz Penny Banks had the same information we got about them Lankustar "sponsorships", HA HA HA HA !!

Theo: I'm sure Feral and a few others wished we WERE crazy, but what scares them is just how much we know and just how accurate we are. Did you notice that not one word was said about Cutty's poaching? I guess they accept every form of bad behavior so why not poaching? Heck, it looks like one of the founding fathers is a poacher so I guess that kind of sets the standard, LOL!!

Gassy: Yessir! LOL, an I heer he did it with a rifle at dat! LMAO!! Maybe Lee can make up some LAS/POA poacher pride T-shirts. HA HA HA HA !!! Them boyz ain't said a thang about nuthin essept badmouth'n us, LMAO!!! I do feel powerful bad about Fearl not gettin the big sponsurchip tho! He shore has urned it!! LOL

Theo: Yes, he has earned it Gassy. He's really hauled the water and given sanctuary to all of Robs buddies like grenoble, stykshooter, njstykbow, cummings, lee, and all the rest. Well,....... I guess Rob figured Feral was dumb enough to do it all for free, LOL. I mean look at who Feral's advisors are!! He's got a greasy little malignant dwarf with second sight, a psychotic lunatic felon off his meds, and a halucinating crack baby with plastic spurs. I'd say Rob made a good call! LMAO!! On the other hand, .....didn't Feral buy a new house around that time ????????? hmmmmmm!?!

Gassy: Yep, dats a hek of a brane truss rite thar HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Brane Truss is right, LOL!! You've got to look, pretty hard to find one that isn't drunk, high, brain damaged, psychotic, or senile, but they are right about one thing Gassy! We do have better things to do than putting a boot up some dumb pirates ass! LOL !!!

Gassy: Ain't dat the truth!! Ever time we thank about retirin tho, them boyz gotta pull stir up anudder batch a crap !! Go Figger, ha ha ha ha

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bad Company!

Here you go Cutty! Another installment of T&G, back by your request!

Gassy: Theo, has you seen them Lankuster pirate boys after DAS on the lederwall?? LOL, You spose Ol RobK is happy within all that?? LMAO!! Dat post by Ol Papa Bull and Soza las week had ta leeve a mark, and dem boys can't just leeve it lay. Hek we even pulled down T&G, and them fools gotta keep swingin! Now it's come back aroun again on dat Tweewy Gween thred! Ha ha ha ha !

Theo: Well,... I think RobK should have picked a more intelligent hit squad, LOL. These pirate boys are nothing but idiots Gassy. Feral Donkey is the Idiot General, LOL. He has all the qualifications to lead the pirates though! He's an alcoholic, porn addicted dimwit who spends most of his "lucid" moments masturbating while he waits for Hank to show up with another bag of weed and read the leaves for him. Then they can smoke their brains into a stupor and soil themselves. HA HA HA HA !! He pretends to be an expert archer and machinist but he really works in his uncles shop, probably as a family favor, and two years ago he didn't know why a bow string has one big loop! LMAO!! Aside from that, you know Cutty and a few others would have no problem using Rob as a pawn in this crusade. Fact is, Rob was invited to the pirate ship by Cutty for exactly that reason. All of the people Cutty has recruited have been for that purpose. I guess Rob figured he was cunning enough to handle them, LOL! Oooops! HA HA HA HE HE HE !!

Gassy: Ye, and ya no Ol Hank and FD hate christians on top a dat. ha ha ha ha ha ! They prolly sit aroun laffin thar asses off between bong hits about gitten Fearls jack handle in da caterlog, HA HA HA HA HA !!

Theo: Yes they do Gassy. Hiring a group of lying hermafrodites to do some dirty work might seem like a good plan on the surface, but what happens when that worm turns on you? LMAO! Now Rob has armed a bunch of drunken half-wits and they are running around shooting wildly. It won't be long before a stray bullet takes Rob's horse right out from under him. HERE'S FERAL CALLING THE SHOTS!!

Gassy: Well I wuz shore suprized ta see PB an DAS roll out da cannons on da lederwall. Ya know them boyz has really not said much a anythang, considerin all da stink going 'roun. I ain't seen DAS post nowhere on nothin, has you??

Theo: No DAS has vanished. Can't blame him though. It seems the pirates keep writing checks that Rob has to cash, LOL! Sounds like DAS at least tried to warn him. It almost seems like DAS was a better friend to Rob than the pirates. Imagine that! LOL!! Seriously though, think about it. From what I've been able to gather, Rob could have avoided a lot of pitfalls if he had listened to what DAS told him. It would have saved him some money too, LOL.

Gassy: Ye, dat's messed up right thar! ha ha ha ha ! DAS is mostly fare to everbody tho, even folks dat ain't so fare ta him. I got a queschun tho! Ya no I ain't smart and slick an sech, but if'n Rob is handin out money ta folks so easy an all, why don't he just buy out DAS??

Theo: That's a good question Gassy! I've heard rumors that some folks were offered $10,000, EH....... "sponsorships", LOL!! Seems like it wouldn't take many of those checks to just buy the whole shootin match??? I don't suppose it would be as much fun though.

Gassy: WHOA!! No wunder he has folks carrin da water fer'im!! How much ya thank Ol fearl got fer being Rob's homebase?? I'll bet he given Fearl evun more ya thank??

Theo: Yea, or maybe he offered Feral a case of cheap rum, HA HA HA HA !!! Feral just might be the only one to sign on for a good long puking drunk! HA HA HA HE HE HE AH AH !!!

Gassy: A PUKIN DRUNK!!! HA HA HA HA HE HE SNORK FFFFTTTTT HE HE !!................... WHEW!! .... Say, whuts dat paperwurk on yore desk thar??

Theo: Well, this memo came across my desk a good while back, but I haven't had time to verify it. Seems that Cutty gets in trouble everywhere he goes, LOL. There's a rumor floating around that he was convicted of poaching a cow elk with a rifle!

Gassy: WHOAAAA Thar!!! WTF???? Is dat why he don't hunt?? HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Could be! Seein how he believes in full disclosure and all, maybe he will put a post on the ship and tell folks about it. We'd hate to be wrong about such things so maybe he can save us the trouble of sending for the records, LOL. I wonder whose SSN they're filed under???

Gassy: HA HE HE HE HA HA!! So ya meen Lankustar is sponserin a lyin, cussin, slanderin, thievin, drunkin, pernogafy addikted, mastrabaitin,weed smokin, and POOCHIN archuury board?? HA HA HA HA !! MAN!! Dat boy got a bunch fer his invesmint!!......Ye, Ol Cutty cooud shore tell some tales I'll bet!! I'd luv to share a campfire wit dat boy! I'll bet he has a tale er too from his days at Pitzer College! Thems wuz wild times eh??? ha ha ha ha !

Theo: HE HE HA HA HA HA ! yes, those were the days! Foot loose and pecker free!!

Gassy: Pekkar Free!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!! SNORK! SNUFF!! CHOKE!! HA HA HA !!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lyin and Shillin again!

Theo: Well Gassy we had some time off this summer but damn if the pirates aren't back to the same old dishonesty as ever, LOL

Gassy: Yessir, shore is that way! I spose you is tawking bout dat thred on the Lederwall right??

Theo: Yea, sure enough, LOL. First ol Stykshooter, the paragon of high ethics, goes over there to shill the new stubby plungers that they copied from DAS.

Gassy: Yea, ain't it a hoot how they call theres the stubby and DAS calls his the shorty??? LMAO!! Them Lankuster boys is a crack-up!

Theo: Yep, well after the initial shilling where they pretend they knew nothing about the DAS plunger, a few folks called their attention to the whole lyin and stealin thing and boy that didn't set so well!! LMAO

Gassy: Yea, I'm shore Rob called in his bribe, er, I mean sponsorship to get dat stuff pulled, LOL! Hard to figger how an outfit like da lederwall would go along with all dat dirty business.

Theo: Money greases all sleds Gassy, LOL. But hey here's a real funny! Do you recall back several months ago when DAS went over to the ship and talked to those idiots?

Gassy: yep I shor do! They was all lying thar asses off about jus about ever thang DAS brought up, LOL

Theo: Yea well remember when NJstykbow took DAS to task over using adapter plates instead of the AMO holes?? LMAO!!

Gassy: yea, sortta, tell me agin whut happined!

Theo: Well here was DAS's answer to NJstykbow:

Quote from DAS: "On a short riser like this there isn't much real estate to mount accessories. The reason I went to adapter brackets is so that a number of accesories could be used together without interference. The funny thing is, I've been bashed for this here and then a few weeks later there was a thread by a guy having that exact problem on another short riser! You know what advice he got? Use an aluminum plate to move stuff around, LOL. You can mount a quiver, a sight, and use a plunger on my riser with no problem.

Theo: and here was NJstykbows reply to DAS

"You can mount a quiver, a sight, and use a plunger on my riser with no problem. Try that with just AMO sight holes." (quoting DAS)

Quote by NJ: "Gets done every day with standard AMO holes."

Theo: Now here is NJ's reply to Martin on the leatherwall about the use of plungers and quivers:

" Martin, Even the shortest of the many plungers available will not provide adequate clearance with the use of most quivers we here in the States utilize. The Shibuya's are a very nice plunger, but even they would need to be shortened to use in the context we're talking about here."

Gassy: ROTFLMAO!! So whut happined to "get's done everyday"?????? LMAO!!!

Theo: Well Gassy, NJstykbow is a liar, LOL! Big surprise right?? Of course Robs henchmen will lie about anything and everything that will get them ahead. See NJ just could not admit in public that DAS's bracket system was better than the copy bow's AMO holes so he lied his ass off. Simple as that. Now he's over on the leatherwall lying any way he has to for the promotion of Lancasters copied plunger. Lies lies lies, that's how these fine businessmen do business, LOL

Gassy: lies, lies lies!! LMAO!! Well I gess them lancuster boys thanks the folks on the lederwall is jus too stupid to figger it all out

Theo: Well Gassy, they may be right. I don't see anybody over there speaking up except for the few that always do, so maybe they ARE that stupid.

Gassy: well it's a wunder ta watch ain't it?? All dat lyinn and all dat suckerin with them folks eatin it up!

Theo: Aren't you glad we aren't trad archers Gassy?

Gassy: shore enough I am! LOL!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just another day on the ship

Theo: Well Gassy it's good to be back home, but we sure had a good time at Comptons didn't we??

Gassy: Yessir we shore did!! LOL It was right nice meetin that Leegee feller and even Fearl hisself!

Theo: Yea, it was kind of fun flying under the radar, right under their nose, LMAO!!

Gassy: I'm confused about da pirates sayin dat da Tradtech booth was smokin busy tho, LOL!! Ever time we walked by it were a ghost town, LOL!

Theo: Well, except for the pirates that's about right, LOL. If Lee was that busy he must have had a stack of porn behind the counter that we didn't know about! ha ha ha ha ha !

Gassy: Ha ha ha ha ha !!

Theo: Well, let's see what else we can find here Gassy, things are pretty slow!

Gassy: I seen dat Hank went to a benefit secund hand sale and lowballed the sellers on a meat grinder! LOL!! Man is dat boy cheap! LMAO!!

Theo: Yea, he's a real patron of the arts ain't he????LOL!!! He goes to a benefit sale and spends a whole $3, LOL!!

Gassy: I wunder ifn he asked fer a free "I support the Arts" hat?? LOL!!

Theo: LOL!! Yea, they probably had to validate his parking too, LOL!! Next year they'll have to set up far enough away that Hank won't pay the gas to get there!

Theo: I see poor Ol Wildman lost his shirt on a Fireflop riser! Geez, he nearly had to beg the pirates to buy it back!!

Gassy: Hard ta figger with all the pirates sayin what a smokin riser dat is! Heck you'da thank Ol Cutty wood snatch it up! He buys a couple bows a month but even he didn't want it! LOL!! I spose Hank wooda took it if'n it got down aroun 3 er 4 dollers, LOL!

Theo: Yea, Geez, $430 riser and $600 limbs, basically brand new and MAYBE he got $675 for it with shipping included! I can't remember when Bill has taken a shellacing like that!

Gassy: Yep, it's tough ta see, but I spose Wildman will stick ta stuff that holds it's value better fer now on!

Theo, Yea, like maybe a PSE Coyote, LOL!!

Theo: Well so it goes on the good ship Gassy! Time ta cut the sails and settle in!

Gassy: Yessir! Gonna be a perty sunset ta nite! LOL!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Round and Round

Gassy: Well, seems dat da pirates is in ta thar fall back thang of talkin in circles Theo, LOL

Theo: Yep, pretty standard pirate defense, LOL Call us liars and then start talking in circles, LMAO!! Ya notice the badmouthing is just a general slap at us Gassy?? The reason they aren't actually taking us to task on anything specific is because they know it's all true.

Gassy: Yep, bein on the lyin end of da argument is a tough spot alrite. What's ritchus funny is when them boys call us liars when the proof a what we jus said is on thar site! ROTFLMAO!!

Theo: No kidding Gassy! LMAO! That's why we can just let a post here soak for a while now. They finish the job themselves, LOL!!

Gassy: I shore do get a laugh at sum a da stuff they conjer up, he he he !! Like OL Fearl telling folks we is jus tryin ta scare folks offin dat site. LMAO!!

Theo: Yea Gassy, it's actually nice having all the criminals from all over the web on one prison barge. The folks that sign in voluntary give us a real good handle on what they're made of too, LMAO!! Feral is just making another weak attempt to steer folks off track. No matter though. They can play all the childish games they want, like the phony forums. The botttom line is, they have to watch their tail now, and they know it.

Gassy, Yep, reminds a sum a them boys back at Pitzer we used ta run with, LOL!! I wunder what ever became a sum a them boys??

Theo: Hard to say Gassy, I often wonder myself LOL! Say did you ever check out the Long Rang Rifle forum I told you about??

Gassy: Yep, I shore did! Nice place ain't it! Its nice ta git offn them archery sites fer a while too, LOL

Theo: It sure is Gassy!! LOL!! Say did you see where Cutty was wishing RobK a happy birthday?? LOL! That was real nice a Cutty.

Gassy: Well ya know Cutty was the feller who brought Rob on board, LOL Them is gooood friends I spose. He says its his boys birthday too! Ya know dat Cutty never says nothin about his oldest, you notice dat??

Theo: It does seem a bit odd, but who knows?? There are so many mysteries, LOL.

Gassy: Thar shore are!! LMAO!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Culture of Lying

Gassy: Ya no Theo, it seems like the pirates has lost sense a which direcshun is up! LOL. Now dat they is out flamin us they is jus pruven how messed up they is! LOL!!

Theo: To be a pirate Gassy, you must be able to suspend any sense of reason, logic, and truth. To most people, the concept of truth is an anchoring principle against which suppositions are measured. To a pirate, the concept of truth is a free form element that can be molded and shaped to fit any side of any argument.

Gassy: ya, dat makes sense !! what??? LOL!!

Theo: Take Cutty for instance, or Hank for that matter. In the DC they are trying to make the case that what we are doing is somehow unfair. Hank wants us to leave them alone! LMAO!!! Neither of these guys would ever even consider leaving people alone. In fact it is precisely because the pirates continue their campaigns that T&G were formed.

Gassy: Yep, Dats da only reason we is here! Cause them boys an uthers won't leave folks alone! Hank wants us ta leave so he an his buddys kin go back to slanderin, stawkin, lyin an badmouthin! LOL!!

Theo: Yep in fact, it was a comment by Cutty that finally broke the camels back and made this blog neccessary. There is one huge difference between us and them Gassy that really has them flumaxed. While they trade in lies and slight of hand, we have told the truth. In fact, everything we have said is documented. If we couldn't document it, it either had to be presented as conjecture or not presented at all. That's why all they can do is call us names and use every manor of deflection.

Gassy: Yep, like sayin we posted Ol stykshooter's letter, rite??

Theo: Yea that's one example Gassy. We never posted it because we never had it. We also didn't quote anything from it because we never had it. All we did was report that it was sent, and what it's purpose was.

Gassy: Yea, they twisted that thar all up in a knot! But why??

Theo: Gassy, they are so used to telling lies among themselves, and having the most ridiculous tall tales accepted, that they have lost sight of how preposterous they look to a sane outsider! LMAO!! First they created an offense that we never commited, and then they railed against it! That's because they needed to deflect attention from the real issue, which is the fact that RobK is using the pirates to continue his private war against DAS.

Gassy: It's a bit tough fer them pirates ta operate like this here I spose cause they cant delete stuff, er change a fellers posts, er ban us!

Theo: That's right! If folks look closely at what we say and then closely at the pirates spin, they will see it every time! If the pirates had any sense of reality, they would understand how it looks.

Gassy: Ye, well I has noticed that almost nobody but da hardcores is postin on them flamin threds. Ya spose folks is rethankin thangs??

Theo: Could be Gassy. People are not so quick now to pile in and support that crap. Perhaps they are beginning to realize what is going on. They are reluctant to stamp their name on it. The point is, the core pirates have done many rotten things, and sold many lies. We've got a lot of better things to do than hassle a handful of idiots on some website for no reason. Any fool would realize that, LOL!

Gassy: I spose folks will see a good bit more deflecshun and diverjen as time goes on eh??

Theo: Yes they will, LOL. I especially liked RobKs little pep talk and of course the usual suspects coming along behind with kudos and accolades, LOL! Sorry, no sale though, ha ha ha. No, if Randy, or Rob either one were truly standup guys they would admit what they've done, and if Paarcher or Kcummings were stand up guys they would ask for it. It's just that simple. They keep piling the lipstick and jewelry on this pig rather than just admitting what it is.

Gassy: LOL!! Yep, Did you see where Rob says da pirates have "principals", LOL!!

Theo: Yea, I wonder if he meant "principles", LOL!! Understandable I guess. He apparently doesn't know what it means, so it's no surprise he got confused about the spelling. LOL!

Gassy: Ye, but it's time ta move on aint it Theo? We gots a lots a ground ta cover. I was a bit taken back by KCummings sayin he knew the whole truth tho!

Theo: Yes we do need to move ahead Gassy, LOL!! I was pretty shocked by Kevins statement too! I always thought better of him honestly, but if he knew everything from the beginning..........., that casts a whole new light on his role.

Gassy: hard to figger, that one! Ifn he says he knew, then I spose he did!! Not sumpthin I'd be braggin about tho, LOL!!

Theo: No, me either Gassy, LOL!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Second thoughts

Gassy: Theo, eh......., I been thankin bout sumthin dat bothers me!

Theo: What's wrong Gassy??

Gassy: Well, I hates ta say it Theo, but I'm not sure I wanna be a pirate after all!

Theo: You know Gassy, I've having second thoughts too. We looked up to these guys so much, and wanted to be like them so much! Now I'm just starting to think they are a bunch of baffoons!

Gassy: Theys a bunch a friggin idiots Theo, theys jus no nicer way ta say it! Dat thang ovur stykshooter an all them fellers takin up fer dat, well it's jus idiots proppin up idiots.

Theo: It's so obvious too Gassy! We've got hundreds of faithful readers and I'm ashamed for them to see the pirates making such fools of themselves. You know, I'll bet if a woman got raped and called it in to Stykshooters station, he would arrest her!!

Gassy: Yessir! cause dat rape was a confidential thang ya see! dat Ol boy never intended fer her ta call it in!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, and then Hank and Marc, and NJstykbow would be there to tell the poor fella that got ratted out they were behind him, and that woman had no right to call that rape in. Now that is just wrong what that woman did Gassy!!

Gassy: Yep, it's a pathetic thang, dat pirate site Theo. They is so wrapped up in all them dirty deals an lies dat they cant evun tell how silly they all look!! Ta each other they all look like this:

Theo: Yea, but to the outside world they look like this:

Theo: I think it's all those FEARS and INSECURTIES setting in on them Gassy! Have you noticed how bitter and vile Hank has been. He must not be getting any from Madam SeaQueen since all that went public. Then there is NJstykbow, Geeezz! You know I think that fella is actually pretty intelligent, but when he comes out and tries to cover for something he knows is corrupt, he comes across as looking absurd. He's not a natural born liar like some, but obviously forced to it.

Gassy: Yea, all them pirates has been a mite strained since thar dirty secrets are posted here fer da whole wurld ta read. Hank has go ta bed ever night knowin that folks kin see all about his conjerin an sech

Theo: Yea, ya know some guy posted a link to Hanks site on the POA a long time ago and Hank went ballistic! That post was pulled and the guy was banned instantly. Typical Pirate tolerance you know.

Gassy: Yea, I no! well dats Ok cause we can still have fun here with these boys, rite Theo?? We has ta do sumpthin with all dat research we has done! LOL!!

Theo: That's right Gassy! Actually we are just getting started here We have stuff folks will really want to stick around and see! We've hinted at several things, and yep they're still coming. We also have a pirate history and timeline coming that will explain many questions! Things like who the founders were and why, when and why certian key players arrived, when and why Lancaster joined the pirates, all kinds of good stuff!

Gassy: Dats rite Theo, we have sum really good stuff ta share! I'm a bit worried about causin more FEARS and INSECURITIES in dem pirates tho Theo! LOL!

Theo: I'm afraid that's unaviodable Gassy. They can console each other and make believe they are fine, but the rest of the world is laughing at them, LOL

Gassy: Yessir!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pants on Fire!

Theo: Can you believe it Gassy??? Stykshooter is back for another beating! LOL !!Sheeessh!! He's telling so many lies to cover the ones he already told that he's digging a hole he will never get out of! LOL!!

Gassy: Ye, good grief!! Well I spose we'll jus hafta go through all dat agin fer them pirates. Sum folks jus dont no when ta tap out! LOL!! Maybe sum history would help folks Theo!

Theo: Good idea Gassy! You know this letter writing began back around the first of the year when the pirates were once again after DAS about those silly limbs.

Gassy: Yessir! Anythang to try and deflame Ol DAS, jus like always!

Theo: Yes, but this time it wasn't just the old favorites like Cutty and Hank, but the Lancaster boys too!! In fact, take a look at the thread in the Dead Chicken called "DAS limbs with a twist II" started by our good buddy Randy Stykshooter, LMAO!! here's his openning post:

by Stykshooter on Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:29 pm
There has been a lot of speculation lately as to the current manufacturer of DAS limbs. I understand that the limbs are being manufactured by CyBow, which is a relatively new company that was started up about a year ago by a Korean gentleman by the name of Mr. Guang. See Mr. Guang and Eugene Lee are former employees of W & W who are now in business for themselves manufacturing limbs that are copies of some of the older Win & Win designs. Cybow is not a commonly recognized name in ILF limb manufacturing as none of the target archery dealers/distributors in the USA are offering them to customers. I have not seen a set of the limbs other than on-line so cannot comment on the quality or pricing.

Gassy: Dats a bunch a infermation rite thar!! Wunder where he got all dat??

Theo: Let's see Gassy, how would a guy like Randy get information about a company with zero US presence??? LMAO!!! And better yet, Why would that source be involved in a DAS bashing thread??

Gassy: OK, I'm stumped!

Theo: Well Gassy, it turns out that just hours before Stykshooter posted that information, RobK was calling around to Dave Sozas suppliers fishing for anything he could find out! Apparently the name Cybow came up.

Gassy: Why wood he be doin dat?? He aint got no biznuss in Sozas biznuss duz he??

Theo : No Gassy, he doesn't, but that hasn't stopped any of this has it?? LOL!! No business has any business snooping around for confidential information and then using a website full of hoodlums to leverage anything they can find. It just seems to keep on and on though, LOL!

Gassy: So Ol stykshooter was wurkin with RobK on this here projek??

Theo: Well, I'll let you add it all up yourself Gassy, you're no fool, LOL!! That was around the time the letter was written to 3 Rivers too, so now folks have a little
background to understand it all better. You know, Cutty has said a few things that could only come from one source too, LMAO!!!

Gassy: Funny how thangs add up when ya have all da pieces, LOL!! Ifn ya want a good laff, also take a gander da other "DAS limbs with a twist" thread just below the first one! Dat's what happens to a feller who tries to tell the pirates ta knock it off, LOL!! Better hurry tho afor Ol Fearl figgers it's too embare assin and pulls it out, LOL!! Dat ol Boy was banned too!!, LOL!! Oh well!!

Theo: Good tip Gassy! So now to deal with latest installment, LOL, Man this is a alot to shovel out, LOL! First off Randy says he was accused of being in charge of engineering a letter writing campaign.

Gassy: Can I have a nickel fer ever lie I spot!!! ????? LOL!!! Dats numer 1 rite thar! he he he !! We jus said he was part of a letter ritin campaign, dats all!! LOL

Theo: OK Gassy, but man this is going to wipe out my beer money! LOL Yea, see that's how it works Gassy. A little stretch here, a liitle stretch there, pretty soon the whole story is out of shape. OK, Where were we??, Then he writes this: Here is the letter I wrote to Dale supposedly to “damage his business”.

Gassy: thar's anuther nickel!!! I got a dime now!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, that quote was fabricated. We said he was trying to damage Das's business, not Dales. Then he goes into the letter he sent Dale! First he starts off telling Dale what a good loyal customer he is, LOL, but somehow misses the fact that he rides with the Lancaster posey, is a longtime personal friend of RobK, and has joined in every DAS bashing thread he can find! ROTFLMAO!!!

Gassy : Duz dat count as one lie er a whole bunch???? how many nickels I got now??

Theo: I think we'll count that as one Gassy! I can't afford any more than that! LOL. See, that sort of thing is not a lie outright, it is just manipulating the truth. I'm sure that Randy sees that all day long as a police officer, and I'm sure he knows it when he sees it, LOL. So first he pumps Dale up that he is a loyal and valuable customer (not, LOL), then he tells Dale that he has 3 ILF risers and is interested in limbs, LOL!!

Gassy: dats anuther one!!! Gimme da nickel!!! LMAO!! I like this game!!! he he he !!!

Theo: OK, here you go....., LOL. Yea, who does he think he is kidding Gassy, LMAO!! He has no interest in buying DAS limbs from Dale, LOL. That's just another lie to try and manuever Dale into telling him ANYTHING he could carry back to the pirates for more bashing fuel, LOL!! God, these goons are so obvious that I almost feel guilty picking on them!, LOL.

Gassy: Ok, what next????? LOL!!

Theo: Ok, well then he says: I follow the forums and know that the question has been posed to your company time and time again requesting which limbs you are currently using on your bows.

Gassy: I sees it!!! dats a lie!!! Gimme a nickel!!! LMAO!!!

Theo: Yes Gassy, the only people making a stink about any of it are the pirates and specifically, the DAS bashers and Lancaster pirate crew. To imply that the question is all over the forums was a deliberate misrepresentation of the truth.

Gassy: Lord!! was thar any bit a truth in dat letter??

Theo: well Gassy, I wish I were giving you a nickel for every truth instead!! LOL

Theo: Then the last part of his little ploy is to make 3R paranoid that this issue is tainting their whole business, LOL. the hope is to drive a wedge between 3r and DAS:

Your company’s position to refuse to identify which limbs you are shipping with a Dalaa, even through private e-mail, impresses me as a deceptive and potentially damaging business practice. Like 3 Rivers has something to hide. I know the question has been posed to you several times on the internet forums and via e-mail and for some reason you refuse to provide potential consumers with information that they may need in making a choice to purchase a large ticket item from your company. As I said earlier, this is deceptive to me and my concern is that your deception and disdain for consumer’s concerns carries over to other areas of your business.

Gassy: thar's anuther one! He aint no potential customer, LOL!! He's a definite troll!!

Theo: That's right Gassy, but here is a really interesting question! If Stykshooter is so convinced that a company HAS to devulge all their sources or "my concern is that your deception and disdain for consumer’s concerns carries over to other areas of your business.", Then why doesn't he insist that RobK tell everyone where his Titan risers come from??? LMAO!!

Gassy: Dat seems like deception and disdain rite thar!!! LOL!!! Dat's a real mistery rite thar, aint it Theo!! Dat was a good game Theo, I got rich!!! I can buy me a beer!!!LMAO!!!

Theo: Say, don't you owe ME a beer??? LOL! It is a huge mystery Gassy. He says those risers are made in the US, and Leegee said they come from "Florida", but why?? See, most folks don't know this but Rob owns a machine shop! Here's a link:

With all that machinary at his fingertips, why would Rob farm out the manufacture of his risers to someplace in Florida, if in fact they are from Florida?????

Gassy: Ya spose they really aren't from florida?? but maybe a bit FARther EAST?? LOL!!

Theo: Don't know Gassy, but I'm sure the fine investigative team on the Pirate site will get right on it and have an answer for us very shortly!!! LOL

Gassy: Hey!! thars anuther lie! Gimme a nickel!!LOL!!

Theo: OK, you got me! LOL!! You're right, the pirates are there to attack DAS and others, not Tradtech of course! LOL!! Now, let's head down to the pool hall so you buy me that beer you owe me with all those liars nickels! LMAO!!!

Gassy: Damn!!! LOL!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Making progress!

Theo: Well Gassy, I feel great! It seems like we have made good progress in slowing down the Dead Chicken, LOL!

Gassy: Yessir! Them boys has been keepin thar head down low, aint they??

Theo: Yep, they sure have! LMAO!! Most of the worst stuff has been deleted from Chicken, LOL!! Ya gotta love that because all the time they are talking about other people being hypocrites, they are running around covering up what they have done! LOL!

Gassy: Yep!!,, Looks like RobK has exited stage left too!!

Theo: Yea, Gassy, he's keeping clear, and you know what? The pirates went back to the old Dead Chicken and removed every one of RobKs posts!! LMAO!! It's hilarious because you can still see posts were people are talking to him, but all his stuff is gone! ha ha ha ha

Gassy: Dat happins when ya send a fool to do a mans wurk, LOL!! Why on earth would RobK want all his posts gone???

Theo: Same reason that the pirates have deleted all those posts on both the new and the old DC Gassy! But no, these guys aren't hypocrits!! LOL!! I see Sixby is now a moderator and he's calling folks hypocrits too.

Gassy: Sad about dat feller ya no. Like all da rest he's thar fer a reasun, LOL. Nobody else slathers him with butter like da pirates. Even Ol Hank who can't stand christians is slatherin on the butter to make better use a Ol Sixby.

Theo: Yea, none of those guys think much of christians, but they'll lie to Sixby to keep him there. He serves a valuable purpose! LOL. It works fine for Sixby too because its the only site that lets him hock his wares for free. For all the buttering though, I wonder how many he has sold?? That's the true measure, LOL If Cutty is so overwhelmed, I'll bet he has 2 or 3 by now! LOL, Unless of course it is just gratuitous BS he is handing out. Oh well..... LOL

Gassy: Speakin a hypocrits an sech, I see theys have a new forum now just fer a few boys called da dead chikin society. I thought the pirates was all about open talk?? LOL!!

Theo: Yes, well, you see Gassy, with T&G here they can't operate in the open anymore, LOL. They also can't let their members find out what they have been doing and why. They have to operate like cockroaches now which is perfect! A few of the old guard roaches like PaArcher,and Grenoble, are still churning out manure for the newcomers to consume, but a lot of guys that know better and still have some shred of integrity to preserve are staying way back now.

Gassy: Yep, guys like KCummings an Gino is way back now fer shore.

Theo: You can see the changes Gassy. CSTs comments, and the comments of others are a clear sign that except for hardcores and seniles, people there know what the problems are. Feral hasn't deleted so many threads for no reason. Robks posts didn't dissapear for no reason. It's really comical actually!! All these roaches running around screaming ROACHES!! ROACHES!!

Gassy: Yessir, them boys is perviding a million laughs fer the folks reading along! We jus keep hearin from folks dat luv the good laughs!!

Theo: Yea, the pirates have become laughing stocks Gassy, sure enough!! Guys like Sixby just add to the comedy. I do feel a bit sorry for them though. They've been lied to, and they don't realize just how pathetic they look, LOL!! Poor Ol Levyrat, is havin a hard time with it. Sooner or later people will demand to know why the pirates are shunned and why so many of them have been banned from so many sites, but for now they will just have to wallow.

Gassy: Yessir it's gonna get a mite muddy in dat wallow too, LOL!! Sooner er later them boys will realize that the stories they is hearing about why the pirates is hated jus don't make sense. Folks jus don't get that upset about nuthin, and only a fool wood keep on believin it, LOL!! Maybe Ifn Fearl put back all a them threads he pulled down like the 20 pages of Esquire bashing on one, then folks wood understand!?? LOL!!

Theo: Ya think??? LOL!! Guys like Esquire and Pinelander are just soooooo hateful for reminding folks of the truth, LOL!! and of course Grenoble comes back out to say how much he HATES all that hatefulness!! HE HATES IT!!, HE HATES IT!!! ha ha ha ha ha !!!!

Gassy: Ye, it's a big cumfert ta no dat thar aint no hypocrits amung da pirates, LMAO!!

Theo: That's right Gassy!! They can stand proud (although they had to delete a bunch of threads that LOOKED bad). They have great sponsors like RobK (although his buddy stykshooter got caught red handed doing something underhanded, and Robs posts have been sanitized from the site). They allow everyone their say( although the two guys that questioned RobKs posts on limb connections were banned instantly). They are the only open site (although most of the members, even many moderators, are blocked from the new DC society fourm)

Need we go on???? LMAO, but of course, WE are the hypocrits, LOL!! Esquire and Pinelander are the hypocrits,LOL!! Could you imagine what Jay Leno would do with this pirate material??

Gassy: We outta send it out ta Ol Jay!!! LOL!! Well, at least our group can enjoy the comedy show!!

Theo: That's right Gassy! We should open a Pirate Comedy tour, LOL!! Seriously though, all that matters is that the pirates are shut down. Cutty has gone underground where nobody can hear him scream. We've cut the lies way back because they can't pull that with us here keeping them mostly honest. RobK is under a rock with jus his eyes peeking out. Many of the second string players have been exposed. It's all Good!!

Gassy: yep, but ya no, Friday da 13th is coming!!! Ya spose Hank will hold a special service tumarra and tell folks thar fate fer friday??

Theo: I hope so Gassy!! Especially for Cutty!!, LOL His luck isn't running so good! LMAO! Hopefully they have a spare black robe for Sixby since he is now a member of inner sphynctum!!!

Gassy: HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Gassy: So Theo, we has tawked a little about sum a the stuff them pirates has been involved with, But WHY?? I mean the worse thang they kin accuse folks of is banning them so why the never ending attaks??

Theo: It does make you wonder doesn't it??? What would make a person devote their life to doing the things that, say, Spinetta does??? I mean you would think that someone must have seriously wronged him or something wouldn't you??

Gassy: I cant figger it at all Theo! Ya spose its jus jellus fits??

Theo: Well Gassy, if you look at guys like Feral, Cutty, and Hank, what do you see??? On the surface, you see guys that try their best to look respectable and important, but underneath I think these are guys with serious self image problems!

Gassy: ya mean dat little wee wee thang???

Theo: Exactly Gassy! Take Hank for instance. He TELLS people he is a carpenter. Why??

Gassy: Cause it sounds so good, right?? LOl!!

Theo: Well I think he feels that anyway. I mean why doesn't he just tell people that he runs a numerology website, is deeply entrenched in that, and also works as a handyman for a strip club???

Gassy: Ok , yep, I see dat now!! LOL!!

Theo: Get my drift Gassy??? Same thing with Pete, ya know. Here's a guy whose Dad is a State Supreme Court Judge with a courthouse named after him. His Mom is a retired College Dean, and very well educated. His sister is an assistant DA in Tennesee I think, and what is Pete????? He talks about things like his ball playing days, but guess what that turned out to be: Check out 1989, LOL!

So Pete's resume looks a little like this:

Little League standout ( nice work Pete! )
Guest ranch host ( his parents ranch, apparently was fired, sorry Pete )
Media researcher (one rung above coffee girl)
Internet archery hoodlum (not smart enough to avoid banning, eventually squelched by RobK)

Gassy: Yessir, I sees dat pattern alrite!!

Theo: See, the REAL issue with these guys has nothing to do with archery per se. The issue is in their own head! LOL!! It's more along the lines of The Source:


Gassy: HOLY COW!!! Man dat is funny rite thar!! HA HA HA HA HA !!! Ya spose dat Source is Cutty??

Theo: By any other name, LMAO!!!! See, guys like Cutty are mad at the world just like CST said in our last post! They are failures or at least see themselves that way, and they are very very bitter people!!! Then they happen onto a successful website, pick any one, doesn't matter. They want badly to be top dog and on the internet they figure they can fudge the truth just enough, and fake it just enough to get there! That's why Cutty downloaded the whole Tradtalk website and visits everyday! he can use that information to to prop up his image on the boards!

Gassy: Yessir, dat shore duz fit them 3 anyways!! LOL!!!

Theo: That's Right!, BUT here is where the problem comes in! People think they are OK but nothing special. For most healthy folks that is fine because they don't have all their ego eggs in this one basket, but for guys like Cutty and Hank, and Feral, it is an insult they can't bear! They begin to pick at people out of bitterness or act out to get attention like a little kid, and then they get dressed down for it. Hank started picking at the Christians, Pete got a raspberry for what he called the "Golden Era Archers" (meaning the older more experienced and respected ones), and Feral and Topcamp cussed and dealt in obscenities. Once rebuked, they become enraged and start the attack sequence that eventually gets them banned. It's not the banning that is the issue though. Normal people would just shrug it off, but for these guys it is another reminder of failure in their life! They see it as the "elitist" website owners rubbing their nose in all the failures that combine to define their lives!

Gassy: Dat was what CST wuz tawkin about aint it???

Theo: Yes Gassy!! CST understands it! That is why they can spend literally years fuming and plotting and attacking!! It is sad really, but they are sick!

Gassy: Dat makes sense Theo, but what about attackin folks like OL Adcock, er Black Widow, er Papa Bull, er Denny Surgis, er Dave Soza??

Theo: Same story, different chapter Gassy. See, they look at guys like this who worked hard their whole lives, and actually EARNED the respect that THEY so desparately want, and they see that as one more cruel unfair blow to their ego. That's why they attack guys OL who have never done a single thing to them. Just the very existence of people like that is a another reminder of their inadequacy and failure, so they must destroy them. After all, guys like Pete anyway grew up with every possible advantage in life, and STILL amounted to nothing in a family of extreme achievers. Of course he can't very well attack his own family, but these filthy internet reminders are easy targets!

Gassy: Sob..... Sniff!!... Snuffle!. Dats a sad story dare Theo! I is all teered up ovur all dat!!

Theo: It is sad Gassy, really, because none of these guys need to do this. Many have talents, Feral can hold his liquor exceptionally well, and some are even intelligent like Pete, but they are like a good dog gone rabid Gassy. Now all you can do is take a club to them!


Theo: Im sorry Gassy, It'll be Ok little fella!

Gassy: SNIIIIFFFFF, SOB!!!! Dat makes me thank a dat Ol Yeller dog!!! SNIFFF!!!

Theo: Come on Gassy, Let's go get a beer and shoot a game of pool! We can keep clubbing rabid Pirates later!

Gassy: Alrite!! Snifff!!!