Tuesday, September 23, 2008

John the Liar

Theo: Well Gassy it appears we have a new inductee into the liars hall of fame! LOL!! It's John Carter, AKA John, AKA JackNZ, etc.

Gassy: Yessir! He shore has a poor memory don't he?? HA HA HA Ever time he comes along ta cuss DAS he has a new reason, LMAO!!

Theo: Yes Gassy, here's the one that won him the prize from the "Is DAS DOA" thread:

What Bob Palmer say's about the negative comments from "some" of the DAS supporters certainly has played a big part in the exceptance of DAS in my part of the world.One of the biggist reasons I sold my own DAS was because I got sick to my guts reading the comments coming from those people.Some of my friends that were looking at buying DAS based on my impressions of my own bow,backed out as soon as I made my feelings known."NEVER" trust somebody that shits on the competition without bloody good reason,"ALWAYS" take a closer look at the finger pointers.There were 4 potentual DAS owners here, that went for other brands as a direct result of the LAS knockers.The up side was,until "some" people started shitting on LAS,I'd never heard of them,,,,now I buy most of my equipment from them.The real pity is that the DAS bow,is in my view,a bloody good product.

Posts: 241
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:29 am
Location: New Zealand

Theo: Problem is, John said on a post from Sept 2007 that he sold it because it was no better than his cheapest bows, LOL

Gassy: No bettur than da cheapest bows??? That don't make no sense at all???

Theo: Neither does selling a bow you supposedly like because you hear some bad junk on the internet Gassy, LMAO!!! Everybody ready for the the truth??

Gassy: Yessir!!!

Theo: When John first got the bow he put up several posts saying how great the bow shot. Problem was, he didn't want a great bow. He wanted a magic bow. When he finally figured out that the DAS was not going to fix his shooting problems, then the bow was no good. Then it was no better than his cheapest bows. Then DAS was a crook for even selling it to him. What really pissed him off was that he sold it for less than he paid for it, and of course that was DAS's fault too, HA HA HA HA !!

Gassy: So then he became a flamin ahole on the forums??? What a friggin pinhead!!! HA HA HA HA HA

Theo: Yep, then he went to work getting his revenge on DAS, because he bought a good bow that didn't make him a world class archer, got mad, and sold it in a huff at a loss. That's the kind of pinheads that just love to join the slandering and lying on the ship.

Gassy: Now he says he sold it cuz a tha Lankustar bruha??? LMAO?? whats wit dat???

Theo: He just likes to freshen up his lies now and then to stay with current affairs, HA HA HA HA HA !!! He's a perfect pirate Gassy. He loves lies better than the truth, he blames everybody else for his inability, and most importantly, he is a vindictive small minded pinhead who sees nothing wrong with using the pirate ship to carry on an endless war against someone who never did him a bit of harm.

Gassy: Yep, he shore duz diserve his own post to inshrine his lying butt in the hall er flame! HA HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: And so it is Gassy, HA HA HA HA !!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The freaks are a tight old crew

Gassy: Did ye see whar Cutty was a callin ar credibility inta queschun? He says folks dat use us fer a sorce git what they deserve?? LMAO

Theo: Well Gassy, sure. We've outed him for poaching and not one word has been said on the good ship. Not surprising that the pirates would support elk poaching, LOL!! We also outed RobK for trying to buy influence, which Penny Banks confirmed. So now he's trying to take issue with Kaufhold machine shop belonging to Rob's brother instead of Rob???, LMAO!!

Gassy: What's dat term?? Graspin at da straws??? HA HA HA HA . So I guess Rob don't trust his bruther ta do the risers eh?? Jus a fish of a differnt strip if'n ya ask me, HA HA HA

Theo: Yep, I still have the same question. Why isn't Kaufhold machine shop building them??? I don't expect we'll get an answer to that or the poaching, or how much money Feral was paid.

Gassy: Ye, Ol Fearl shore didn't seem much upset bout the other folks gettin offered the fat chek did he??

Theo: Well Gassy, with all the blowing he's done about having no sponsors he isn't likely to tell the truth about that is he?? What are the chances that all these other guys got offered money, and Feral was left out??? HA HA HA HA !!!

Gassy: HA HA HA HA !!! Yep!!, HE HE HE HE !!!...Hey, I seen dat Cutty was askin Cummins whoall they shud go after next now that DAS is DOA?? LOL! Here's da quote from Cutty:

"So who are we going to take down next? I know Kevin and I were thinking about Howard Hill for a while. "

Theo: DAS isn't DOA Gassy, he's just dropped out of sight for good. He's still building bows for 3 Rivers. The pirates have succeeded in harrassing him to that point, so Kevin, Cutty, and the rest can feel very proud about that! LOL, What a great service to traditional archery! Cutty's post lays to rest the story Kevin keeps pedaling about being neutral doesn't it???, HA HA HA . Of course we have known all along where Kevin stands because we have communications between him and others on 3 or 4 different boards including the POA, LOL.

Gassy: He shore do want ta play the innocent card don't he?? Reminds me a dat skunk James Wrenn, HA HA HA HA !!

Theo: Ain't that the truth?? See Kevin choses all his public words very carefully. He doesn't want any public record of what he's really up to. The thing is, Kevin hopes one day to return to the respectable archery boards. He has enjoyed being important to Rob and the "cause", but truthfully, he sees himself above the trailer park where the rest of the freaks live. That goes for Wrenn too. He cringes every time he thinks of burning his bridge with Tradtalk for that stinking ship, and for what??? LOL !!

Gassy: Duz he really thank folks will fergit??

Theo: Well, intelligent and decent folks don't usually like to spend time around folks that are missing either attribute. Both Kevin and James are smart enough guys but neither one has an ounce of integrity. Both were willing to basically sell their friends and their soul for some crappy archery gear. Both of these guys supporting the pirates and tradtech know what the deal is, but neither has the honesty or integrity to sit back and look at the big picture because they'd have to admit their part in it.

Gassy: Yep, What do you spose James paid fer that riser an them LB limbs?? LOL Ya know James is pretty cheap an I bet he scored a sweet "intraduckory" price, HA HA HA !!! I see the chicken is shut down to everbody cept a few. If'n they is all so proud a dat crap how cum they don't want folks to see it??

Theo: Howattman is a good example Gassy. He's basically a scum bag. You get a real good look at his true character in the chicken. He wasn't so happy about folks knowing he was a scumbag though. He just wasn't as smart as Cummings or Casto about hiding it. They're just as rotten, but a lot sneakier about hiding it. Did you notice Casto high fiving Howattman after the blowup on the LW?? That's a real good window into Castos character right there.

Gassy" Ye, an Hout man's haff ass apology on the Lederwal didn't fly did it?? HA HA HA HA

Theo: It wasn't an apology Gassy. That was the problem. He is proud of being a scum bag. He was just sorry that people he wanted to fool saw it, HA HA HA HA . Actually Gassy, you can tell a lot about a person when they join that mess. It's kind of scary to find out really. Do you remember the movie "Rosemary's Baby" ??

Gassy: Yessir!! Dat was one scary movie rite thar! All them normal lookin folks all eat up with da devil!

Theo: Yep, you know, there's a real good chance that Hank, Feral and topcamp are satanists. They all hate Christians, and they are all into wierd things like numerology. Cutty is just sick and evil so he'd be happy to help them stab cats an such.

Gassy: BBRRRRRRRR now ye got all my bones a shakin an shimmeein!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tewwy Gween

Gassy: So who is dat Tewwy Gween feller?? I seen dat Fearl is makin all kinds a storys bout who dat is, LOL

Theo: Who knows Gassy, but the idea that it is one of us or someone from Tradtalk is assinine, LMAO!! Here's how I see it. Feral hosts a site that encourages people like that. He and his crew recruit the scum from the bottom of every website barrel for members. When the crap flys, they all high five each other and laugh it up. What difference does it make if it is Cutty, or Hank, or Zen, or Howattman, or some other pinhead?? Heck Old Bill is so senile he could have done it and forgotten already! They are all rowing the same boat REGARDLESS.

Gassy: Yessir! Insted a jawin ovur who done it, why not just say "we ain't doin that no more, and those that do can pack thar shit and GIT". LOL

Theo: What?? Run off all those wonderful gentlemen that Bill Grenoble keeps crowing about?? Quality guys like Howattman??? ROTFLMAO!!! I guess Bill thinks his anus looks better if he surrounds himself with flaming anuses, LOL! Trying to separate the wheat from the chaf in that dump is a waste of time. If it wasn't Cutty this time, it will be next time. If it wasn't Howatman this time, it could be next time, so who cares. Tewwy is a pirate. There is no mistaking the smell, and it could just as easily be one as another.

Gassy: I sees Fearl wants Phil ta ban Tewwy, LOL He nose dat can't happen, LOL

Theo: Phil isn't banning Tewwy for the same reason he hasn't banned Hank, or feral, or Cutty, even though he knows who they are. He's under orders. You can bet that if he wasn't, all those idiots would be gone.

Gassy: Ye, them boys ain't got a clue. They is tawking about us graspin at straws, being crazy an sech, and them boys still ain't even got a clue in hell who we are!! Let's see, they has accused some combinashun of Papa Bull, Martin, Esquire, DAS, Phil, Pinelander, and I can't ramember who else!

Theo: They haven't even gotten warm Gassy, even when the hints are right under their nose! Heck we've all but signed our names to this and they still keep blaming the same guys they have been slandering all along. I think Feral needs a new card reader, LOL. Hank is good at bullshiting old ladies out of their pension money, but he sure has dropped the ball for Feral! Kinda makes you wonder if numerology might be bullshit HA HA HA HA !! Tunnel vision is a terrible thing! He doesn't even know we are pirates, all of us!! LOL!! We don't visit the POA, we are card carrying members! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Gassy: Makin ever buddy a moderatur shore was a big help too! ha ha ha !! Maybe them boyz all wint blind from mastrabatun???? LMAO!!
Theo: Actually Gassy, I'd guess a good many of them couldn't keep up a pace that would make them go blind!! HA HA HA HA!! I'll bet some are just pretending be blind so the rest of the gang thinks they can still do it!! HA HA HA HA !
Gassy: Ye, an I guess we wuzant as crazy as Fearl hoped cuz Penny Banks had the same information we got about them Lankustar "sponsorships", HA HA HA HA !!

Theo: I'm sure Feral and a few others wished we WERE crazy, but what scares them is just how much we know and just how accurate we are. Did you notice that not one word was said about Cutty's poaching? I guess they accept every form of bad behavior so why not poaching? Heck, it looks like one of the founding fathers is a poacher so I guess that kind of sets the standard, LOL!!

Gassy: Yessir! LOL, an I heer he did it with a rifle at dat! LMAO!! Maybe Lee can make up some LAS/POA poacher pride T-shirts. HA HA HA HA !!! Them boyz ain't said a thang about nuthin essept badmouth'n us, LMAO!!! I do feel powerful bad about Fearl not gettin the big sponsurchip tho! He shore has urned it!! LOL

Theo: Yes, he has earned it Gassy. He's really hauled the water and given sanctuary to all of Robs buddies like grenoble, stykshooter, njstykbow, cummings, lee, and all the rest. Well,....... I guess Rob figured Feral was dumb enough to do it all for free, LOL. I mean look at who Feral's advisors are!! He's got a greasy little malignant dwarf with second sight, a psychotic lunatic felon off his meds, and a halucinating crack baby with plastic spurs. I'd say Rob made a good call! LMAO!! On the other hand, .....didn't Feral buy a new house around that time ????????? hmmmmmm!?!

Gassy: Yep, dats a hek of a brane truss rite thar HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Brane Truss is right, LOL!! You've got to look, pretty hard to find one that isn't drunk, high, brain damaged, psychotic, or senile, but they are right about one thing Gassy! We do have better things to do than putting a boot up some dumb pirates ass! LOL !!!

Gassy: Ain't dat the truth!! Ever time we thank about retirin tho, them boyz gotta pull stir up anudder batch a crap !! Go Figger, ha ha ha ha

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bad Company!

Here you go Cutty! Another installment of T&G, back by your request!

Gassy: Theo, has you seen them Lankuster pirate boys after DAS on the lederwall?? LOL, You spose Ol RobK is happy within all that?? LMAO!! Dat post by Ol Papa Bull and Soza las week had ta leeve a mark, and dem boys can't just leeve it lay. Hek we even pulled down T&G, and them fools gotta keep swingin! Now it's come back aroun again on dat Tweewy Gween thred! Ha ha ha ha !

Theo: Well,... I think RobK should have picked a more intelligent hit squad, LOL. These pirate boys are nothing but idiots Gassy. Feral Donkey is the Idiot General, LOL. He has all the qualifications to lead the pirates though! He's an alcoholic, porn addicted dimwit who spends most of his "lucid" moments masturbating while he waits for Hank to show up with another bag of weed and read the leaves for him. Then they can smoke their brains into a stupor and soil themselves. HA HA HA HA !! He pretends to be an expert archer and machinist but he really works in his uncles shop, probably as a family favor, and two years ago he didn't know why a bow string has one big loop! LMAO!! Aside from that, you know Cutty and a few others would have no problem using Rob as a pawn in this crusade. Fact is, Rob was invited to the pirate ship by Cutty for exactly that reason. All of the people Cutty has recruited have been for that purpose. I guess Rob figured he was cunning enough to handle them, LOL! Oooops! HA HA HA HE HE HE !!

Gassy: Ye, and ya no Ol Hank and FD hate christians on top a dat. ha ha ha ha ha ! They prolly sit aroun laffin thar asses off between bong hits about gitten Fearls jack handle in da caterlog, HA HA HA HA HA !!

Theo: Yes they do Gassy. Hiring a group of lying hermafrodites to do some dirty work might seem like a good plan on the surface, but what happens when that worm turns on you? LMAO! Now Rob has armed a bunch of drunken half-wits and they are running around shooting wildly. It won't be long before a stray bullet takes Rob's horse right out from under him. HERE'S FERAL CALLING THE SHOTS!!

Gassy: Well I wuz shore suprized ta see PB an DAS roll out da cannons on da lederwall. Ya know them boyz has really not said much a anythang, considerin all da stink going 'roun. I ain't seen DAS post nowhere on nothin, has you??

Theo: No DAS has vanished. Can't blame him though. It seems the pirates keep writing checks that Rob has to cash, LOL! Sounds like DAS at least tried to warn him. It almost seems like DAS was a better friend to Rob than the pirates. Imagine that! LOL!! Seriously though, think about it. From what I've been able to gather, Rob could have avoided a lot of pitfalls if he had listened to what DAS told him. It would have saved him some money too, LOL.

Gassy: Ye, dat's messed up right thar! ha ha ha ha ! DAS is mostly fare to everbody tho, even folks dat ain't so fare ta him. I got a queschun tho! Ya no I ain't smart and slick an sech, but if'n Rob is handin out money ta folks so easy an all, why don't he just buy out DAS??

Theo: That's a good question Gassy! I've heard rumors that some folks were offered $10,000, EH....... "sponsorships", LOL!! Seems like it wouldn't take many of those checks to just buy the whole shootin match??? I don't suppose it would be as much fun though.

Gassy: WHOA!! No wunder he has folks carrin da water fer'im!! How much ya thank Ol fearl got fer being Rob's homebase?? I'll bet he given Fearl evun more ya thank??

Theo: Yea, or maybe he offered Feral a case of cheap rum, HA HA HA HA !!! Feral just might be the only one to sign on for a good long puking drunk! HA HA HA HE HE HE AH AH !!!

Gassy: A PUKIN DRUNK!!! HA HA HA HA HE HE SNORK FFFFTTTTT HE HE !!................... WHEW!! .... Say, whuts dat paperwurk on yore desk thar??

Theo: Well, this memo came across my desk a good while back, but I haven't had time to verify it. Seems that Cutty gets in trouble everywhere he goes, LOL. There's a rumor floating around that he was convicted of poaching a cow elk with a rifle!

Gassy: WHOAAAA Thar!!! WTF???? Is dat why he don't hunt?? HA HA HA HA !!!

Theo: Could be! Seein how he believes in full disclosure and all, maybe he will put a post on the ship and tell folks about it. We'd hate to be wrong about such things so maybe he can save us the trouble of sending for the records, LOL. I wonder whose SSN they're filed under???

Gassy: HA HE HE HE HA HA!! So ya meen Lankustar is sponserin a lyin, cussin, slanderin, thievin, drunkin, pernogafy addikted, mastrabaitin,weed smokin, and POOCHIN archuury board?? HA HA HA HA !! MAN!! Dat boy got a bunch fer his invesmint!!......Ye, Ol Cutty cooud shore tell some tales I'll bet!! I'd luv to share a campfire wit dat boy! I'll bet he has a tale er too from his days at Pitzer College! Thems wuz wild times eh??? ha ha ha ha !

Theo: HE HE HA HA HA HA ! yes, those were the days! Foot loose and pecker free!!

Gassy: Pekkar Free!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!! SNORK! SNUFF!! CHOKE!! HA HA HA !!