Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Candid Camera

Gassy: Theo, where you ben?? LOL I ain't seen you in a coons age!

Theo: I've been laying low Gassy, ha ha ha ha !!! You know the pirates have moved all the bad BS to the new secret forum so regular folks can't see what they are up to, LOL. I didn't to let on that we could see it until they hung themselves good, but it's too much fun to keep quiet for ever!

Gassy: NO kiddin! ha ha ha !!! Ya git some good stuff?? Didja??? LOL

Theo: Oh yeah Gassy, there's some good stuff. I just captured and downloaded the whole mess to our dedicated hard drive, LOL!! I can't wait to drop some of these bombs, LOL

Gassy: So shud we send sommadat shit off to the folks bein talked about??? LMAO??

Theo: I'm already on that Gassy. One of the victims though, I think we'll hold off on, ha ha he he he !!! There are some real possibilities here! ha h ah ha!!!

Gassy: ha ha ha ha !!!! So fearl still figgered it out??? He still don't no who you is.

Theo: hell, he's so stupid you can talk him through anything. I could convince him that pigs really do fly if I put my mind to it!! The really funny thing is that he still believes Robert registered this domain! Ha ha ha ha !!

Gassy: HA HA H AHA !!! Dat's purty good rite thar!!! We is havin a good time with ol fearl ain't we??

Theo: It's fun spinning him around by his tail, it sure is!!