Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cutty!! Penny Banks!!

Gassy: CUTTY!!! PENNY BANKS!!!! PENNY BANKS!!!! Sumbody call in Penny Banks an Cutty!!

Theo: Gassy, stop yelling man!! what's the deal???

Gassy: Ovur on dat Archery Tawk site LBR Chad Weaver has put up a post tellin Ol Viper he should have more respek fer folks an was speakin outta tern! Ya ramember when dat DAS feller did da same thang on Tradtalk, Cutty was rite on it an Penny Banks was so proud a Viper fer standin up to dat nasty DAS!!!

Theo: That's right Gassy!! I expect we will be seeing a new thread in the Dead Chicken any minute now from Cutty and a post by Penny Banks telling folks how much respect they have for Viper for standing up to low life like Chad Weaver!! LOL!! After all, Chad is taking Viper to task much worse thaan DAS did. DAS never questioned Viper's credetials, just his attitude!!!

Here are the links so folks can find the stuff:

at AT:

on TT:

The thread on the Dead chicken where Cutty went after Soza is "would you take this abuse?" on page 2 of the dead chicken

Gassy: Yep, I'm shore Cutty and Penny will be right on dat, but what if'n they don't??

Theo: Well, LMAO, that would show just how 2 faced and dishonest both of them are!! LMAO.

Gassy: HA HA HA HA !!!! Yessir!!

Theo: See, these pirates are on a mission to destroy anyone who stands in their way Gassy. If they have been banned or other wise curtailed for their slander campaigns, then the Pirate site is the place for them to stage their attacks. That's why Lancaster is such an enthusiatic supporter too, LMAO!!!

Gassy: But dat Gino feller just said dat the Pirate site is jus a place fer fellers to talk an sech!! here's what dat boy said:

"all we are doing on these sites is talking about our toys............. not saving the world or coming up with a cure for cancer, so how is it so many people can get so pissed off at each other over their play things especially when most have never even met each other?........ i just don't get it."

Theo: LMAO!!! yea, he just doesn't get it ha ha ha ha ha !!!! Well, I thought Gino was a whole lot smarter than that, but I guess he's as dumb as a box of rocks, LOL!!

Theo: No, Gino knows that the real problem is that the Pirate site is used to defame people and stalk people. He also knows that Cutty is the number one ring leader. Here is a quote from Cutty from the Chicken yesterday:

"Man...and here I was thinking the Zen Posse ought to pay a little visit to Papa Bull's little straight razor forum. "

Gassy: So is Cutty an the Zen possy gonna start stalkin Papa Bull?? Does Gino know??

Theo: That is exactly what the pirates are doing Gassy, and it appears there are a good many involved including RobK himself in various operations. There's plenty of time to go into all of that though! LOL Gino and all the rest of the spin meisters know exactly what they doing and are desparate to hide the whole deal behind as much smoke as they can puff up!

Gassy: an what about dat Viper thang???

Theo: The pirate site is also used to generate propaganda Gassy. That's why Cutty jumped on the Viper / DAS thing and tried to spin it bad. That's why Penny got involved too. That's also why they won't be raking Chad over the coals because Chad is a card carrying pirate who has joined in some of their little raids in the past.

Gassy: Good Lord!!!

Gassy: So are yu sayin Fearl an Gino an RobK an a bunch a dem boys know all dat stuff and quietly support it all while try'n ta look normal to da wurld???? ha ha ha ha !!! Man!! dat is brillient!!! Dem boys is so slick an smart!!

Theo: Yes they are Gassy!!! LMAO smooth as butter and sweet as Carnation milk!! Here's a quote from RobK to the pirates last August, but I'm sure it was just some friendly advice, you know, nothing really up!, LOL!!:

"Be very careful out there on the fourms and on here in public view...share only through PM's on Pirates or AT(no PM's on other forums) or in personal e-mails."

Gassy: HA HA HA HA HA !!! Sweet as Carnation milk!!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!!! Yea well a bunch a folks didn't taake dat advice I guess, cuz we shore do have a file fulla stuff Dont we?? He He He He He!!!

Theo: Yes, we sure do, LMAO!!! Since the pirates feel so empowered to interfere in the lives of others, I'm sure they'll understand, if not appreciate us sharing it too. LOL!!