Friday, May 30, 2008

Sponsors'n Sech

Theo: You know what strikes me funny Gassy??

Gassy: whatsat??

Theo: I've been reading a few comments on the good ship about how it is such a good site because they don't take sponsor money.

Gassy: Dats rite! Them pirates ain't beholdin ta no man! It keeps all dat bias stuff away!

Theo: Well yea, but what about the business deal that Feral has with Tradtech? Seems funny they would point the finger at sites that take a couple hundred bucks to put up an ad, but completely ignore a business partnership.

Gassy: Ya spose that Fearl is bejoldin ta RobK on account a bein in cahoots??

Theo: Well, what do you thing Gassy?? LOL! They are supposed to be the model of free exchange of info, but here's just one example of how it really works. That Claus fella asked about plungers and Feral jumped in and told him to try a Cavalier. Did you see that?

Gassy: Yep, I did see dat. He says that Leegee feller is coming out with a short plunger someday soon too. Naw where do ya spose Tradtech came up with such a clever idear like all dat??

Theo: Exactly Gassy. Feral deliberately didn't tell Claus that DAS has had short plungers for years!

Gassy: Ya mean the pirates is lying ta folks to steer'm to da Tradtek stuff?? Heck, ain't that the kinda bias they is all so set against with all dat sponser'n goin on??

Theo: It's really funny how they do that stuff Gassy and knowbody says a word, LMAO!! They've done the same thing with the Gamemaster parts. Even the fact that tradtech is making a DAS copy plunger to fit their DAS copy riser just slides right on by, LOL.

Gassy: Now hang on rite thar! You jumped on my tail fer talkin about them copies'n sech, an now yer doin it!

Theo: Yea, you're right Gassy, I'd better shut up, LOL! Heck it won't be long before the pirates have it all twisted around to where DAS copied Tradtech anyway, LMAO!!

Gassy: I wunder if dat Leegee feller and RobK have a DAS harecut yet?? he he he he!! I'll bet if DAS shaved one side a his bum, they'd be down thar scrapin aroun within a week!! LMAO!!

Theo: Maybe that's why the aftershave is so strong! LOL!! Maybe we should start a rumor that DAS wears wool underwear, and see how long it takes for Leegee to start scratching, LOL! Yea, those pirates sure like to point fingers but they suddenly go plum blind at what's going on right under their feet.

Gassy: LOL!! Ya no, maybe we shud work up a post about all the pirates that walk aroun with the blinders on wave them stinky buckets on by!!

Theo: That would be a great new topic Gassy! Good idea!