Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well the last couple of days have sure been eventful and fun! Tradtalk posted an edict warning that anyone taking part in the trash talking at the Pirate site would be banned from Tradtalk. The Pirates responded with a resounding raised middle finger, and shoveled even more dung onto the heap! Go to Tradtalk and check out the "Tradtalk Members" thread at the top of the page!

Theo: Gassy, take a look down there at the Pirate site. Do you see any moving and shaking??

Gassy: No I sure don't! All I see are tumble weeds blowing through. It's mighty quiet.

Theo: You don't supposed that exposing them to the light of day has dampened their spirit do you??

Gassy: Ya caant dampen a pirate's spirit that easy Theo! They'll be back to badmouthing and blasphemen in due order! I see they posted a keep out sign at the entrance to the Dead Chicken forum. What is that all about?? I meen ya caant even see the message unless ya have access!

Theo: Well, LMAO, I guess they think that makes it all OK! I guess you can badmouth folks all you want as long as you state that the ones you are badmouthing aren't allowed to hear it

Gassy: Whuuut? ..... I mean, I know I'm a little slow but how in the heck does that change anythang?? It's not like they is badmouth'n and blaspheem'n between a couple guys in a bar. It's still a public forum ain't it?? My head is spinnin!

Theo: Exactly, my friend, but "pirate speak" and "pirate logic" tend to track just a little off as we will see over and over. Of course! Anybody can log in and read all that stuff.

Gassy: Mine boglin!! Hey, how come that Oscar feller is wound up to cuss'n an spit'n over being banned from Tradtalk??

Theo: Well it's just more pirate logic. See, Oscar went over to Tradtalk and read that thread about being banned if you trash talk them, then he went over to the Dead Chicken and started a trash talking thread so he got banned as promised. Then he posted a thread saying "I got banned for NO reason" and all his pirate buddies rallied and said "yep you sure did". You've got to love twisted logic like that!

Gassy: Now stop that!!! My head is spin'n so bad I'ma gittin sick! So yor say'n that he deliberately did something to get banned so he could cry about being banned??

Theo: Gassy, you're a lot smarter than folks give you credit for! Pirates are big into martyrdom! Did you know that many of them ASKED or DEMANDED to be banned so they could cry "banned" ??? That's a fact! Sure some were banned, but a good many just wanted the badge!

Gassy: Ooooh, Maaa Haaad! Thats jus nuts! They sure have been complain'n about being locked out of Tradtalk haven't they?

Theo: Yeah, and you've got to wonder why! I mean first off they hate those folks, and secondly, they have talked many times about how much talent is here on this pirate board. rswbow said it like it is. All the greats are right here!

Gassy: If'n their so great, then why are they trying to snag DAS's tiller thread off'n Tradtalk? I seen that Black Wolf fella complain'n about it here on the pirate site and on the leatherwall. Seems like they are lost without being able to tap into folks who have REAL experience and REAL knowledge! They're run'n around the Tradtalk site banging on the walls like the liv'n dead!!!

Theo: Now Gassy, you know all these guys are real experts! They go on and on about how much DEPTH is on the pirate site. I mean look around..........

Gassy: Well, look'n at that tiller thread, DAS said more in one post on Tradtalk than these pirates could muster in 3 pages, plus all the "wisdom" from LW.

Theo: You may be right, I mean Cutty (Peter Spinetta) once said that he had the whole tradtalk database copied to hard drive. It's hard to figure how an expert like him would need that sort of thing unless he is just one of these "internet experts".

Gassy: It's easy to sell yourself as an expert when you have a database like that and a website to dredge for answers when you need'm. I think it is pretty funny that they are whin'n and cry'n about not being able to see in thar anymore!

Theo: I guess they didn't think about that when they took to defaming and blaspheming, LOL. Here's a picture of Feral Donkey and Cutty accessing the Pirate archives! Talk about depth!! I'm sure there are a few peanuts or corn kernals down there, but it's a shame they have to dig through so much stink to find them!

Gassy: Backfire!!! he he he,........................ Blatfttt!!!, sorry :(