Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sorry Folks!!

Gassy: Hey Theo has you seen that thars a hole bunch a threads gone from da Ded Chikin?? What da heck is up???

Theo: Gosh Gassy, I don't know!??? I mean they were so PROUD of the content of the chicken and all the fine GENTLEMEN posting there!?? I don't get it!!

Gassy: It jus dont figger!! Musta been puter glich'er sumpthin. Pirates don't pull threads or CENSOR anythang do they???

Theo: It must have beena glitch Gassy! I'm sure they will get it corrected and bring all that fine content back!! In the meantime we have to apologize to the hundreds of visitors who read our blog everyday. Some of the content won't make sense now that the pirates have deleted their threads. I guess they'll have to fill in the blanks themselves!??

Gassy: Well, not to wurry, we have baskets a material!

Theo: That's right Gassy! In fact we have a really fun entry to be posted later today!

Gassy: Yessir folks stay tuned and thank you fer all the wunderful crads an letters a support! Thanks fer them cupcakes too!! We'd also like ta thank all the folks who hav helped with the reseerch and topic sudgeschuns. We have many more fun entries ta cum!!

Theo: What cupcakes??? Gassy!!!! Hmmmmm!

Theo: Well,that's right Gassy! There is much more great content to come. Thank you everyone!! We couldn't do this without a broad base of support and all the PMs and emails that have been forwarded to us, as well as the archive research, public record research, and other supporting documents that have been sent to us!!